How did you wean off of xanex?


I need to know how you weaned off of xanex. I have tried by taking one whole pill one day and then half the next but after a week of doing this, I had the withdrawals again. Help, I dont know how to get off of this.
I would just stop taking it all together "cold turkey". I've tried lots of meds and none really helped me. Most just brought on other problems. Instead I'm using to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help me with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and all the other problems in my life.


Well-known member
sarahjane said:
I need to know how you weaned off of xanex. I have tried by taking one whole pill one day and then half the next but after a week of doing this, I had the withdrawals again. Help, I dont know how to get off of this.

I would NEVER stop xanax cold turkey, also when you do stop it will take a while to feel back to norml again, how many mg a day where/are you taking?


Well-known member
Depends on how much you was taking and for how long you was taking it.The way it usually work is you have to slowly taper off of it but for how long you will have to tamper off depends on how much you took and for how long.The one thing you don't want to do is stop cold turkey.Stopping cold turkey leads to seizures and muscle cramps.