Horrible Co-Worker


Well-known member
I telecommute and mostly work at home. I have been having troubles because my colleague who works in the office regularly are not giving out the reports I need on time. I think it has something to do with either the attitude or the process itself. I tried to call her attention but she is not so accommodating. How do I deal with her tantrums when she has been in the company longer than I do?


Well-known member
I would tell her how you feel again if she doesn't comply then you should probably talk to a higher up. It's work so everyone should do what they need to do. If you don't care about the job then probably find another job where the coworkers are easier to work with.


Well-known member
I tried to be diplomatic as much as I can but seems no other way but to deal with it the "right" way. Being nice is not the best possible solution at all times. That is what I realized in this particular situation.

Anyway, a program will be installed in the office to basically do the monitoring whether a task is completed and for me not to rely on reports being forwarded to me. I can now run it on my own which means, there will be no further delays. I think the best part of being stressed in this situation is that something good came out of this.
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Well-known member
I tried to be diplomatic as much as I can but seems no other way but to deal with it the "right" way. Being nice is not the best possible solution at all times. That is what I realized in this particular situation.

Anyway, a program (by ETQ) will be installed in the office to basically do the monitoring whether a task is completed and for me not to rely on reports being forwarded to me. I can now run it on my own which means, there will be no further delays. I think the best part of being stressed in this situation is that something good came out of this.

i'm glad the situation seems to be resolving. you're right being nice isn't always good since some take advantage of it... just being in control is good like not too mean but in control. :)


Well-known member
i'm glad the situation seems to be resolving. you're right being nice isn't always good since some take advantage of it... just being in control is good like not too mean but in control. :)

Very true that some people take advantage of someone's niceness, and might even think of it as the person being weak, which sucks, but happens often.

I think you handled it well rumblejaded, and its good that things seem like they'll get better now.


Well-known member
I have been in that similar situation, my first approach was to talk to him and he's not being cooperative with me so I called the attention of our manager. Good thing I have a manager who knows how to handle such things. He solved the problem at once and my co-worker seems to be more cooperative now.