

Well-known member
I'm constantly worrying that I will end up homeless. Because I'm to depressed to work I fear that my parents will kick me out eventually. Does anyone else feel like this?


Well-known member
I live in an apartment and worry that I won't be able to pay rent. I was in the navy for 4 years and have not had a job in over 2 years now. I go to school and get paid for it but there's always a chance they'll forget to pay me, or when the school money runs out, then what do I do? So yes, I feel you.


Well-known member
Yea, I feel like this. My mom helps me emotionally and financially but that's b/c I'm in school.


Well-known member
It's extreme circumstances that made me face what had to be faced and do stuff I had been avoiding for so long. People carried me for way too long which looking back now I can see enabled me to avoid and give in to SA. Suddenly finding myself without a home MADE me have to deal with things, see people, make calls and sort out my situation. I'm in a much better place now. Not completely comfortable in life but have learned to live and fend for myself.
Blessing in disguise.


Well-known member
Sounds like you should discuss this issue with your parents. Tell them the truth, tell them you are worried they are going to kick you out because of your joblessness. That will be better than just worrying about this without knowing what your parents are thinking.


Well-known member
if you parents love you, they will be with you even when you are not right. A good father can not forget easily


i don't really fear being homeless i fear dying which is what would happen if my dad kicked me out. my fear of people is definitely stronger then my will to survive. ::(:


Well-known member
i have lived in a tent before but it was the best spot by the river and then we saved up for rent that way, so it wasn't so bad. plus it was summer and hot and i jumped into the river after work which felt amazing and the tent was nice because there was no housekeeping to do LoL

the house we built is now one yr defaulted so i could be homeless anyday. joy!


Well-known member
I'm constantly worrying that I will end up homeless. Because I'm to depressed to work I fear that my parents will kick me out eventually. Does anyone else feel like this?

i am depressed and not working atm so yes I can understand ur pain :(
things will get better!


Well-known member
Yes Paahi, I do worry about becoming homeless at times. The future is unknown and it is possible thing could get worse for me.


Well-known member
Yes Paahi, I do worry about becoming homeless at times. The future is unknown and it is possible thing could get worse for me.

Well, what you could do is buy a property in the USA that has been foreclosed and for sale at not a lot at all, and, if you find yourself homeless, you could live there. Or is that vulture-ish?

* dodges missiles thrown by Americans *


Well-known member
Well, what you could do is buy a property in the USA that has been foreclosed and for sale at not a lot at all, and, if you find yourself homeless, you could live there. Or is that vulture-ish?

* dodges missiles thrown by Americans *

I think I prefer Australia Hoddeson, maybe Thistle Island or Coffin Bay on the Eyre Peninsula.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll talk to my parents about it.
I hope you all will be ok.


Well-known member
Hey Paahi,

You can also check what other options are available for homeless people or people with health/mental health problems where you live.. There are some organisations that may help... (both with shelters and finding accomodation)
There are also people who could maybe help you, you do need to get out and meet them kinda!!

Some people also live in tents or such temporarily, or 'squats' (where unused property is 'taken over' by people who want to live there - sometimes these can be 'punks' or drug scene, sometimes more like artsy people/creative scene..) Sometimes the church or other organisations can help..

It's good if you can talk with parents and find some agreement, yeah.. so at least you know where you're at.. You can be an asset at home by offering to help with laundry, dishes, cooking, in the garden etc. And by learning to economize/budget and not be wasteful with money, food, energy etc and time..

And if you're making an effort to look for a job or to get better (go out, find help, eg psychologist/support group) this can help too.. If they don't understand sa, you can show them books/articles or the documentary about sa etc.

Sometimes you can also get a place to live in exchange for helping at a farm or babysitting or teaching languages or such.. Some jobs come with a place to live too (eg touristy jobs in hotels or such)
Or you could find a significant other with own place etc. (long-term option, you do need to get to know them better first)

There are a lot of options, it partly depends which country you live in!!