Hi guys.


Active member
im a portuguese guy ( sorry for the bad english) with 24y.
as well i remember me i always was shy and never could talk with strange people (even family that werent close), but in childhood this wasnt really a problem.

at 15-16 years old the problem start to be more clear, friends invite me to partys and other stuff that normal kids do and most of time (like 90%) i just make up a excuse. the oral presentation in english class where so hard, i think about them 1 week before and was so painfull.

now at 24y i had leave university (well i leave at 22y not now), dont have car license, dont have job, my life suck. i had some girlfriends, but i end screw everytime. i see other people doing stuff and be happy and that depress me even more, because i fell i will not able to do that.

i think i was the only stupid person with this problem, who da hell have fear of people right??? im glad i found this forum and i see have more guys like and especially this problem have a name and a possible cure.
i know i have this problem but i wasnt yet diagnosis because never had gonne to a psychiatrist.

the consult will be in 10 April, and i already a bit panic about that. how i can talk to someone and explain what i think? he is a person not a robot and i have SA so you see the problem righ? xD

im a bit happy to have found this forum.
ty guys and sorry again for this bad english


Well-known member
Don't take it too seriously? If you're at a party, it's your right to feel relaxed and have fun.


Well-known member
Hi and welcome.
It's good that you chose to go to an psychologist, I think i'm going to visit one too when i'll have some time,maybe in summer, and yeah i also wonder how will I be able to speak to a stranger about my problems, but we have to do it ,we have to start from somewhere.


Well-known member
Hi welcome to SPW :).
It's good though you are putting your foot forward and going to see a psychiatrist. I hope all goes well with the appointment. Be open and be honest with him. He's there to help you and all of it should be confidential so just let out a deep breath and shake the nerves. And it's never to late to start with the drivers license and job searching. So don't worry about that too much. Focus on helping yourself and then when you're ready you can start on those.
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Active member

I'm 21 and new as well. I've decided it's probably time for me to go to the psychologist but I don't really feel like spending the money (although I deff should). And don't worry about your English, we can all understand you just fine!