Hi all..need help

What am I?

I get nervous thinking of going out..If i have to drive during daytime i get very anxious...nervous..at times there are potential dates and I avoid..I get cold feet in public places..Im expression less mostly..if ppl are around and im talking to someone I cant talk loudly..I blush easily..I speak too fast..and inside my mouth..(been practicing speaking slowly..bit better)..Making eye contact is tough in public places....i get this heart sinking feeling if i make eye contact in public places..one on one(or in the dark)..im good..in the car im good...im funnny...outside..its tough..i feel ppl are watching me..i get anxious..what am i? just shy? or do i have social fear? ..

I'm comfortable around the people i know..I can be talkative too..but with strangers..Im not..I just cant think what to talk..can never approach girls..hehe..which sux coz theres a cute one down in the gym..since the last 3-4days..heh..im a good looker[so i've been told;)]..I can take up modelling as a part time career..i wanna..its nice money..but i cant..i cant get that attitude n stuff in the photoshoots(did 1 assignment..it sucked)..not joining this grooming course also..dont know why..just cant get myself to call them..anxiety again..im bored of the life..money is not a problem.thankfully parents r well off..so im cool..all my needs r taken care of..but royally bored..need to do something.hate this anxiety n shyness and maybe SP..

I took klonopin..(1 strip i finished..) took 1 tab a day ...well made me drowsy n stuff..and also made me gain weight..which is a big no no..so I quit it ..not gonna take it today..also made me constipated..so stopped it now......what to do..will goto a psychiatrist..dont think it wud help.I've always been shy..Hardly went to school! just went n gave exams..! Friends I have a few..mostly from the net! (But whats the use! They invite me and I shy off..) Once I know someone from the net im comfy wid them..Im talkative..else I'm not..Sad

I've started taking Ashwagandha..and also my bro's getting St.johns wort for me from abroad..and ordered for Homeopathic medicines for anxiety(forgot the name..will post once I find out)..What approach shud I take? Why do I get cold feet If i feel everyone is looking at me? Whats wrong Sad I'm bored of being home..

Sorry if this post doesnt make sense/things are out of order..but its the best I could manage.

Thanks for the help.. :D

and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.. :)


Active member
Hey alien,
Sounds like some social anxiety to me. In my opinion you have nothing to lose by going to a psychiatrist for an evaluation - that's what they're for, to help you.

Good luck


Well-known member
and ordered for Homeopathic medicines for anxiety(forgot the name..will post once I find out)..

don't waste your money, homeopathic medicines are proven to not work (which is why european health services don't ever use them for any treatment and leave people to buy them at their own expense, if they so wish)