Hey, I know I'm new..


New member
so it's rude of me to post a thread so soon, but I really need help with this. Sorry that it's long.

Starting September, I went to art college for six weeks. I really enjoyed it, but my dad came out of hospital (he was in there for a long time due to his alcoholism) and made me drop out. He enrolled me into an all-boys Catholic sports college, and I’ve been there for a few weeks now.

From the start, I was picked on. This was weird, because I'd never been bullied before by strangers, or people at school. I passed it off as just general teasing because I was the new kid. But, it kept getting worse. The guys are all the aggressive gang-member type, most of them prejudice, stereotypical, and most of all, homophobic.

Rumors started spreading that I'm gay. Really stupid rumors, stuff like I have sex with my brothers, uncles and dad, or that I'm a gay porn star, male escort, or that I hit up on people in the changing rooms and showers after physical sports.

The teachers do absolutely nothing about it. They'll sit there and pretend that nothing's happening, whilst I get ridiculed and laughed at right in front of them. Sometimes, you can even tell that some of them find it funny, and that they believe the rumors are true - they're disgusted at me.

I've been putting up with it, even though it really does hurt. But, on Thursday, I came back to the changing rooms after rugby practice, started getting changed, and this one guy who'd been the focal point of my harassment just started beating me up out of nowhere.

I tried to fight him back, but ended up genuinely helpless; at the end, I had three to five guys beating on me, whilst the rest just watched. Some of them did try to help, but the rest clearly had no intentions of getting them off me, and instead appeared to be amused and praised the guys for jumping me.

Eventually, a few guys seemed to take pity on me and got me up. I know it was stupid and cowardly, but I was too embarrassed, angry and confused; I went home. And I stayed off today. I feel like too much of a failure to go back to college, but every time my brothers or dad looks at me, I feel so damn ashamed. Their son, their brother, got beat up for being homo. I’ve always strived to impress them, but now they just think I’m a letdown.

I feel so pathetic. I can’t believe I let them do that to me, and it hurt. More so emotionally than physically, but yeah, it obviously hurt a lot physically as well. I don’t know how to act on Monday. I don’t know how to make them lay off, either.

Any help is really, really appreciated. I have enough troubles at home, and these guys are really making everything a million times worse for me. I don’t want to get beat up again.

Thank you


There's no need to be ashamed about any of this... Have you considered talking to the head of the college? I know it's a difficult thing to do, but it'll make it stop. There's violence involved so they've got to take you seriously!
I'd leave that college / school / whatever the hell it is, and never look back. I'd call the police and have these hooligans arrested, or just stay away from these assholes. I dropped out of high school at 15, got my G.E.D. at 16, my A.S. at 18 and have been working ever since. Fuck the catholics!

Alice Cooper said:
Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin all that noise
'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all

School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely


Well-known member
I would call the police and thell the whole story!
You don't have nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone can be a victim of a crime.


Well-known member
Klaus said:
I would call the police and thell the whole story!
You don't have nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone can be a victim of a crime.

agreed. you need to notify your college and the police.

it sounds like your dad is pressuring you to be a jock when you want to be in art school. go back to art school, be who you want to be, be good at it, and forget what your dad wants. it's none of his business. if he is the one paying your tuition and he refuses to pay it anymore, so what! you can find your own way. it will be harder but you can do it and it will be worth it.

you aren't being rude by posting here! post as much as you need to, that's what this forum is for! jump right in! :)


leave that place if you can :eek: If not for your sake, for theirs, because they don't realise what they are doing.

good luck man :D


the guys who helped you, look for them and try to gte to know them, dont be ashamed, get help when you can. taking on more than one person is near impossible especially if it was on surprise, my biggest advice is try not to act tough like, dont say things like "you cant hurt me" or "ill be the crap outa ya" really just provokes them, one you might be able to take care of if you can see it coming and you pissed off at them enough but if more than one person dont try to fight, try to run.

you dont look like you in the deep end yet but if it progresses you gotta find a way to stop it, any way, just not voilence or hurting them.