Hello, thank you for having me :)


Well-known member
I have suffered with social phobia, though not diagnosed, for as long as I can remember. I have recently finished compulsary education, aged 16. I have a girlfriend, I have been with her for over seven months now. She is my only friend, my only company.
I am, in my eyes, socially inept. I appear plain, emotionless, depressed, and arrogant; I am by no means these things. I just can't say what I want to anyone but her, I have so many things to say, so many jokes that would make people laugh, but i'm too ashamed to say them.
There are reasons I belive that I have become like this, but nothing like other members on this forum, no tradgic losses or anything, I guess just isolation from the world.

Who knows. :)

Anyway, sorry for going on.
I would just like to say hello, and I hope we can become good friends and companions soon. :)

Thank you.


hello, welcome to this forum. *shakes hands* its nice to know and hear about u. i can understand wot u goin thru, as im about the same. c u around here :)


Well-known member
Thanks guys! :)

When I stumbled across this forum it astounded me just how many people had a similar problem to me; it's really quite amazing.
My name is Scott Steff.I have been victim of anxiety and stress.If you want to over come on this problem then trust me that there must be a will in your self.A Doctor can only help you unless you are willing to cover up your self.