Hello. I am a victim of bullying offering advice.


New member
Hello everyone. Im quite new to this forum, but I am not new to the concept of bullying.
I have been bullied now for seven years, and if I hadn't have come up with ideas on how to cope, well I'm not sure where I would be right now.
I understand that everyone is an individual, and some tips on how to cope may not work as well on some people then others.
Which is why I strategise my advice for the kind of person you are.
I can't guarantee that my advice will stop the bullys. No one can guarantee that.
You can speak to me confedentially on my email address which is
[email protected]
Thanks for looking and together we CAN stop the bully.


Well-known member
I love britain usa!! but that was rude.... >.<

I was bullied in middle school.. it sucked


New member
No. Not just knock them out problem solved. People are different and may not want to refer to anger and aggresion to solve there problems like me. Depending on the kind of person you are depends on the kind of strategy you should use. Because everyone is different.

sad :(

hiya im being bullied by two girls and theyre supposed to be my best mates iv told my mum but she cant do anythnig because they havnt physically done anything they have sed they are sorry to me but i know they still bitch bout me behind my back and i dnt wanna get into another agument and they still keep sending me txts jus t oannoy me i dnt know wat to do .any advice ?