Has pop culture messed with you?


Well-known member
This is something i've thought about, and even discussed a bit with some online friends in the past. Do you think pop culture as we know it today has added to how you view yourself negatively? I think it affects everyone, not just people with SP, but I think that maybe we're more sensitive to it.


Well-known member
The media has done the most damage on my body image. Women are valued on their looks, and the ones who aren't perfect are treated poorly. All these oversexed music videos and awful mean-spirited reality shows (Big Brother, TMZ) are depressing. And I do think some of us are more sensitive to it all. I always felt depressed watching MTV and E! which I knew wasn't the "normal" response to those shows. Their negativity always got to me.


Well-known member
The media has done the most damage on my body image. Women are valued on their looks, and the ones who aren't perfect are treated poorly. All these oversexed music videos and awful mean-spirited reality shows (Big Brother, TMZ) are depressing. And I do think some of us are more sensitive to it all. I always felt depressed watching MTV and E! which I knew wasn't the "normal" response to those shows. Their negativity always got to me.


autumn_82 said:
The media has done the most damage on my body image. Women are valued on their looks, and the ones who aren't perfect are treated poorly. All these oversexed music videos and awful mean-spirited reality shows (Big Brother, TMZ) are depressing. And I do think some of us are more sensitive to it all. I always felt depressed watching MTV and E! which I knew wasn't the "normal" response to those shows. Their negativity always got to me.

I agree with that. The music channel videos are like softcore porn...

It shouldn't be shown like that to the target audience, because younger girls like that sort of clubbing/dance music.


Well-known member
Most guys actually would rather a heavier girl than what you'll see on tv and stuff. Curves are what make women interesting to look at and when a girl gets really skinny, she becomes as interesting as a popsicle stick. The only problem with bigger girls is that they have poor body image and if you think you have an ugly body, guys will pick that up and be turned off.

Guys know that they don't want a rack of bones, but a lot of girls don't seem to realize that and thats where the problems come from
Devo said:
We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Eliminate the ninnies and the twits
Going to bang some heads
Going to beat some butts
Time to show those evil spuds what's what

If you live in a small town
You might meet a dozen or two
Young alien types who step out
And dare to declare

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Spank the pank who try to drive you nuts
Time to clean some house
Be a man or a mouse
Waste those who make it tuff to get around

If you live in a big place
Many factions underground
Chase down mister hinky dink
So no trace can be found

We're through being cool
We're through being cool

Put the tape on erase
Rearrange a face
We always liked picasso anyway
Mash 'em


Well-known member
As far as pop culture goes, someone needs to explain to me what's so great about clubs. Everytime you see a club in a movie or a tv show, it always looks like everyone's just so having so much fun. People have allowed themselves to be convinced that it's a wonderful idea to stand in line for an hour or two, then pay ridiculous prices for drinks that are too small. And then it's impossble to meet people, at least normal people, since the music's too loud to hear anything. And to top that all off, you also have to pay at the door for this privilege. You might guess that I was never a big fan of clubs, for the reasons above. My "clubbing" days are a little behind me now, but maybe there's a way to have fun in those places that I have yet to figure out. Maybe I'm just old or something. My life is ending quickly enough, thank you very much, I don't need to waste it standing in line. I'm unsociable enough as it is, but after going through that aggravation, the last thing I want to do is put on some act, like I'm having this great time.


Well-known member
Yes I believe so. I hate TV. I like some movies, but TV blows. When I move out of my parents' house, I am not buying a TV.

I love how the term "Reality TV" does not even make any sense. It's a fucking oxymoron that people have accepted as an actual genre.

I once watched five minutes of that old show Nick & Jessica. It's Jessica Simpson and that Nick guy, the retard from Backstreet Boys, and they're married and living together.

In this particular episode, they had found a dead bird in their swimming pool and they were both discussing what would be the best way to get it out of the pool. Needless to say, I didn't "stick around" to see how it all "turned out." Like seriously, more exciting shit happens to me when I go visit my grandma!

I don't know how anyone can poison their minds with that garbage when there are SO MANY other things you could be doing. I'd rather sit in a chair and stare at the wall.


Well-known member
pop culture totally fucks with you. and that is the point of it. it is commercialism to make you feel inadequate so that you feel you need to buy buy buy their product to fit in. their product will change your world for $29.95! then you get it and nothing has changed except for the fact you are short $29.95 +tax. everyone in pop culture is there for one reason- to sell something to you- directly or indirectly. to sell conformity. to sell an unattainable ideal that has been airbrushed and molded beyond the point of human. realistically it is the equivalent of a cartoon. i can't watch much tv because it just seems like one big neverending, overly-fake advertisement.

something that bugs me about most modern movies is that they all have supermodel-looking people in them. all of the actors and acresses look like they have been under the knife until they have reached that certain generic, plastic "perfection." i don't like that. i enjoy seeing movies with actors who look like normal, everyday people. it is way more believable/convincing.

so righto pop culture ate my balls.
HELL YES IT HAS. The media effects all of us whether we admit it or not. It's in our faces all the time. The average American sees 3,000 ads every day. I think the media has seriously warped my sense of reality.


Well-known member
The media has totally screwed with my life. My body image is trashed, i have no self-esteem, and ive been believing that im a freak everyday for the past 6 years simply because my interests aren't anywhere near that of typical teenagers portrayed on TV.

I try not to care about what bullshit the media dishes out anymore but the damage is already done so it doesn't really matter anyway.


Active member
I can't stand the TV either. I can't stand to watch couples kissing because that reminds me that I have never kissed a girl, let alone watching scenes of sex. Sex is just about everywhere on the media, but there is still a taboo around it in real society further alienating what you can see on TV from what actually happens in the world.
The perfection in actors and actresses pisses me off too, they are just too fake to be credible, but that still affects me and many other people whether they realise it or not. So, I never watch what's on air: I'd rather watch a DVD.


Well-known member
dpr...ur post was well funny. thanks for that mate. and i couldnt agree more, except he's not the nick outa backstreet boys....lol


New member
I stopped watching tv a long time a ago. A lot of the time people bring up television shows in conversation and I just sit there dumbfounded. I have no idea who Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana is. Or whoever is the flavor of the month. Nor do I know any contestants on American Idol, lol (this one comes up a lot). I mainly watch only sports, movies and educational programs( news, pbs, discovery, booktv on cspan2, etc )

Come to think of it, I don't listen to any current music either. I thought hip hop was interesting in the early 90's but it lost me when it became all about the ego and "bling bling".

If rap music was more like this then I would become a fan again. I know you guys will identify with some of the lyrics, lol. Major profanity warning:


Active member
Definitely. I'm not around pop culture that much anymore (don't have tv, don't read magazines, etc) but all those years growing up comparing myself to actresses, singers, models really screwed up my self-esteem and made me really perfectionistic about my appearance (like not wanting anyone to see me when my face breaks out). I wish I could just not care how I look...... that would be so liberating.