Has anyone had cousnelling?


Well-known member
Im due to have counselling on Tuesday for my SP n anxiety. Im a bit nervous because talking is like a mammoth task for me! and i know illl cry once i get talking, but surely this has gota be a good thing to get everything of my chest.??


Well-known member
I have had counselling on several occassions and it has helped me. Yes I cried but counsellors are used to that, they'll probably have a box of tissues ready. With the right counsellor you can assured that you are in a safe place. They might teach some relaxation techniques as a part of the session to make it easier talk.

Good luck


Well-known member
I never had a counselling because i always tought that maybe they can't understand/help me on how i'm feeling and about my problems but i might be wrong, everyone is different , but what i can say is that i hope that u could find good , crying i think would be normal because we keep all our things inside us and we created a shell that contains our bad feelings and every our scaries , would be a good thing that u vent everything u have inside and all the things that makes u feel bad about the SPA . be strong and never surrend , i hope and i wish the best things to u hoping that ur counselling can be super good =)


I used to think that counselling won't help me. But I went to my university counsellor last year and it's always a safe place to be to confide :) The point of counselling is not really for the counsellors to be able to help you out with your problems, they can't do that for you. They can listen to you, and guide you through from the knowledge they know in counselling, for you to attend to your problems and what you feel about it so that at the same time you can understand your situation and yourself better [from what I know anyway]. Counsellors are not your problem solvers, but they can give you some good advice or realisations.


Well-known member

its not what you think...

it is a safe enviroment for you to get the advice, guidence & support you need.

I have been 3 times previous and am currently in counselling, and its fine after the first two or three sessions. When you and the counsellor create a trust with each other.

Wishing you luck, but you wont need it you will be fine. :)