

Active member
Hey, I was wondering about something. When someone greets me and asks me what's been going on I usually reply like this: "Uhhhhh, fine I guess." Which is essentially me taking a moment(uhhhhh) to figure out if I should tell the truth or not and then I finally decide to just pretend I'm fine. Depending on who is asking(boss, relative) I might say something like: "I'm good, so-and-so."

I guess I'm asking if you people play off your true thoughts and feelings for the sake of avoiding a longer conversation?

Also, I want to know if you feel guilty about lying. I have this thing about lying it always bothers me a lot. Sometimes I can't stop the truth from exploding from my mouth. I definitely feel anxiety over lies, though.


ya, i always try to cover the truth from those people that i don't really trust. Feels like there are no point for telling the truth and continue the conversation and make them get more information about me. I always think about the motive of a person when they are asking me question. Too protective maybe...

It's hard for me to telling lies but depends on the situation too. Normally i don't tell lies because i hate to.


Active member
I'm usually careful of others' feelings. I just say things about me that make me look sort of bad when I could just lie and save face.

Things like being a virgin and never having had a girlfriend. I don't just walk up to people and go "Hey, I've never had sex!" If people ask I don't lie though. I always feel like a child and it's worse the older I get.

"And you're 24?! Why? Are you religious?"
I always answer "fine" to get it over with. That's not a lie though, as long as I'm not being boiled by cannibals as I say it. "Great!" would be a lie so I don't say that.