Gotta do a presentation next week! :[


Active member
My art teacher told us that next week we gotta do a 2 minute presentation on the chosen artists for our project... we arn't allowed a script we just have to basically talk to the class for 2 mins about what we are doing.. so I can't really prepare for it either...

I have such a bad fear of public speaking, sure you guys can relate, in front of ANY audience I go bright red/stutter/shake/etc and thats when I have a script and have everything prepared!!

I'm completely freaking out! I can't skip it I'd just have to do it the next lesson and our teacher is a complete bitch so shes making everyone do it.. I can see myself just freezing up in front of my class / stuttering over everything i'll make such a fool of myself..

arghhhh any advice for controlling the nerves :cry: :oops: (but not with meds or stuff like that)


Well-known member
Winter said:
My art teacher told us that next week we gotta do a 2 minute presentation on the chosen artists for our project... we arn't allowed a script we just have to basically talk to the class for 2 mins about what we are doing.. so I can't really prepare for it either...

I have such a bad fear of public speaking, sure you guys can relate, in front of ANY audience I go bright red/stutter/shake/etc and thats when I have a script and have everything prepared!!

I'm completely freaking out! I can't skip it I'd just have to do it the next lesson and our teacher is a complete bitch so shes making everyone do it.. I can see myself just freezing up in front of my class / stuttering over everything i'll make such a fool of myself..

arghhhh any advice for controlling the nerves :cry: :oops: (but not with meds or stuff like that)

Offer to go first - then there is less time to be nervous. Everyone else who is nervous will be too busy to concentrate on whether yours is good or bad. I always use this principle...

I've used it at job interviews where we have to arrive and present in front of other candidates.

And to hell with your teacher! - hold a post-it note with some bullet points to remind yourself of what you're going to say.


Active member
I'm taking Speech this semester. Next week I'm presenting on the "physical, mental, and academic effects of music." We have to 'speak freely' which, I guess, means we can't use notes. Six of seven presentations. Yay! Only one more after this.

If you know what you're doing you could research it, get to know what you need to know, and practice. Practicing in front of people you trust tends to help you figure out what you're flaws in presenting are and then you can work on them. You could even ask the people you're presenting to what you could work on. This insures for a 99% chance of being next to perfect.

As for during the presentation, I try to find someone that I'm comfortable with and focus on them. Tune the others out. Unless you're demonstrating. *giggle* That tends to be a bad idea... Anyway. Calming yourself down by taking deep breaths before you actually start talking helps me.


Well-known member
I just did a presentation for an art class that was 30 mins!! (whats the deal with art profs recquiring presentations???!) so i know where youre coming from. I was sooo so nervous just thinking about it made my stomach turn. But right before i went i wasnt nervous at all! No shaking, nothing!

And i think the trick was that i listened to music on my way to that class to calm my nerves and get my mind off the presentation. I also took lorazepam before which really helped! (i know you said no meds), but really it helped me so i would consider it.

Just really prepare for it before hand. Do it in front of your mom or whoever to get all the "kinks" out. Know it through and through.
I actually made a post about this not too long ago and it had a lot of good advice, so find that in the social anxiety forum.

Hope this helps...........good luck!!!


Well-known member
I know how you feel. When your up there and talking just concentrate on what your saying and talking about and pay NO attention to your class, for example don't look for peoples reaction to what your saying. Just express your point, keep your head up high and you'll do fine.

Whatever you do don't back out get it done and over with ass soon as you can. When i was in school i had to a presentation a few months after i realized how bad my SA was and i did these things and when i was done i felt great. I felt so confident for the rest of the day. Haha it might sound stupid but it has been a long time since i felt like that. I think its stuff like this people like us need to do more often even though i wouldn't be rushing into it again any time soon haha. But it helps.....good luck


Well-known member
I actually have to make a presentation in a couple of hours. I can speak well in public. It's when I'm with a small group or one person that SA kicks in.
Damn man, 2 mins? I've had to do plenty of 10 minute + speeches, and if I can do it so can you.

First: Write it all out, and practice it OUT LOUD. I can't stress this enough. Don't cheat yourself. You should read the whole speech, OUTLOUD by yourself somewhere atleast 15 times. If you do this, you'll be fine.

Secondly - make sure you know what you are doing with your notes. The best thing I have done is ENSURE I have a stand to put my notes on. If I have to hold them, I feel self concious, start to shake etc. If they are on a stand in front of me I am relaxed, can glance down whenever I want, be animated with my hands etc.

Follow this advice and you WILL be fine, good luck pal. And if not it is a great learning experience and I BET you will do better next time.


when i was in school i felt the same way about every speech/presentation, but i always found a way to do it regardless of my "feeling " towards doing it. My logic was that if i didn't do it/attempt it then it would draw unwanted attention to me , so i bit the metaphorical bullet

you will be fine , fear is in a way a good thing to have .......just do your best
spectator said:
I actually have to make a presentation in a couple of hours. I can speak well in public. It's when I'm with a small group or one person that SA kicks in.

I am actually the same. I can be great in front of an audience, especially when I have prepared. I really like performing if I know what I am doing. It is when I am with a small group of like 4 - 8, unprepared that I feel anxious


New member
have a small amount of alcohol. Just enough to make you calm and relaxed.
But your right not to take medication, which can be addictive and have effects on your mental health with side effects that drug companies dont tell people.


Well-known member
I would have thought that going to class tipsy would be a Bad Thing to start doing. And if it did help you then it would probably get as addictive as any drugs could.


Active member
thx for the advice people

I can't have any alcohol/meds cos well for a start I won't be able to get any!

well i got it this thurs wish me luck.. :(


Well-known member
Good luck Winter. Doing it can only help you. If your audience is nice then I'm sure you will get kudos for doing it.


Active member
thanks, most of them are alright, though theres a few bitchy girls who'd probably start laffin if I messed up =/


Well-known member
Get that thought out of your head. Those bitchy girls WILL be laughing at something else if they do laugh. trust me. No one in your class is going to be paying attention to every movement you make or every word you say, just keep that in mind. Most people will relate to you anyway, most people aren't comfterable doing this. Just don't make everything about you......again, good luck.


Well-known member
Don't know if you've done it yet with time zones and whatnot, but please let us know how it went... if it went.