Gotta be a guide for open day at my school :/


Active member
This Thursday is gonna be open day at my school, which means me and all the other sixth formers have to be guides and lead parents who wish for their kids to go to my school around, talk to them, answer any questions they have etc. :/

The school are making us do it, they're like, '0oOh it'll improve your self confidence etc etc.. :roll:

I'm gonna end up making a fool of myself, I mean they expect us to be really sociable when I have a freaking social anxiety, I can imagine I'll end up getting all nervous n start mumbling incoherently to them about the school and they'll be like sorry..what did you say? :roll:

hmmm, any advice?


I was an usher once, but thats not as bad as being a guide, maybe you should pretend to be sick or something, or bunk school on that day maybe. But whatever you choose, good luck mate. :)


Well-known member
try to act normal cus they're prob more scared than u especially their kids! just walk infront of them so u dont have to look at them in the eye, say things loudly so you wont have to repeat them
good luck, im sure u'll do fine :D


Well-known member
They told me that I had to do this too.
I just got my mum to tell them I had a vets appointment and couldn't go (not for me obv. :lol: )
Maybe like they said bunk off that day or throw a sickie?
If your parents understand your SA maybe ask them to write a letter?


Well-known member
Running away will only make it worse in the long run, believe me. What I would do if I were you, is I would smile, stand up straight, and say to myself, this will not be forever. Because it won't last that long will it ? It will be good for your confidence, it's not gonna kill you. I know you will do a great job, good luck.


Active member
thanks for the advice guys.

So I faced up to it and became a guide. I had this year 7 kid with me, who spoke more than me lol. But ah well, I guess I got through it.


Well-known member
I did an open day just like that last saturday. I also had a year 7 kid, though I did manage to speak more than him. Just not as well... he finished off all of the stuff i vaguely explained..

You need to seriously think things through before you decide to give up, I'm glad you didn't!