Good Sites to Help Bully Victims?


Hi... I'm a new member and joined solely for the reason of helping others. I am currently almost a senior high school student, and have been through a lot of bullying in my past. I came out of all of this stronger and more knowledgeable now, and I want to use my knowledge to help others. I tried talking to bullies and victims directly (ex: "The bullies make fun of you because they are insecure") but nobody really listens. So now I want to try to use the internet to help others. Nobody should go through the kind of pain I went through and I have the power to make a difference, after all....

So does anybody know any sites I can help with victims? IRC channels are nice too.


Well-known member
I originally came here with the intent to try helping others with bullying, but then realised that the main bias of this forum was SA rather than bullying per se. I've not searched for another bullying forum since, but if you want to help out teens who are a bit unsure of where they're headed, you might want to join me over at The Narrow Road: Questions, Answers and Help on Drugs, Sex, Runaway and Suicide for Teens, Young People, Adults needing help. I'm Satine over there, too.

See you 'round, maybe?


...if you want to help out teens who are a bit unsure of where they're headed, you might want to join me over at The Narrow Road: Questions, Answers and Help on Drugs, Sex, Runaway and Suicide for Teens, Young People, Adults needing help...

The graphics on that site are taking a toll on my really old computer::(:. I'll look around though.

I can't find a place on that site that allows teens to help teens; it's more like some adult "trained" as a counselor is helping teens but don't understand their pain.