Going to the doctor

When you see a doctor or dentist, do you feel like more of an idiot then usual? They ask you to follow simple directions and I feel I even suck at that.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Absolutely! It's a rare for me to get through a whole visit without blushing crimson red at some point, too. Especially when they try to act friendly and make with the small talk. While I'm on display being examined. Double ack.


I dont feel like an idiot....but the dentist especially is HELL on my panic disorder....feeling stuck in that chair = horrible......my dentist probably thinks Im insane cuz I have to take a break and walk around every 10-15min cuz I hyperventilate so bad


Well-known member
I actually haven't been to a doctor in a very long time... The last time I went I was in and out in a few minutes -- I had to get some shot for school in grade 10.

I haven't been to a dentist in about 5 years (since I'm self-employed, I don't have insurance, and I'm not doing well enough to pay for it myself!). But the last time I went I definitely felt very anxious. Especially with dentistry, they're staring right down at you the entire time!


Well-known member
Yep, i think it's being in a room with someone that is totally focusing on me and listening carefully to my answers. I usually start babbling, my nerves get in the way and it's like i don't know how to finish a sentence.. or the opposite, i just can't express myself at all.

If i feel anxiety coming on in this situation it's bad because you can't just get up and leave suddenly without making a scene.


Well-known member
Sitting in the waiting room is the worst part of visiting the doctors for me.

Essentially, it's a room full of people with nothing better to do than stare at each other.
Yep, i think it's being in a room with someone that is totally focusing on me and listening carefully to my answers. I usually start babbling, my nerves get in the way and it's like i don't know how to finish a sentence.. or the opposite, i just can't express myself at all.

Yeah, that's always what happens to me.


i reckon its a good idea to write things down before going to the doctors. thats what i do, and sometimes i just hand the doctor the list/note of stuff i want him to do.


Well-known member
The writing things down is a good idea. I do this before phoning people, especially if it's for something official (bank etc). It's really embarrassing when I stumble around while trying to recite my birth year or something :/


Well-known member
Sitting in the waiting room is the worst part of visiting the doctors for me.

Essentially, it's a room full of people with nothing better to do than stare at each other.

LOL yeah when I'm in those I usually pick up one of those lame magazines becuase if not then I'm just looking around and so is everybody else.

I don't necessarily get nervous at the doctors but I hate getting my blood taken. It stresses me out even though it doesn't hurt. Dentists used to bother me but now I just hate going because they always lecture me about what I'm doing wrong and at the end they say my teeth or completely healthy and never have cavities so whatever and my jaw gets tired from having it open for so long while they put all sorts of painful objects in there.


Well-known member
I won't go back in the doctor's/dentist' office alone..I have to have someone with me, or I'm too scared. But having someone go with me, of course I feel bad because that's childish. that's why I try to avoid it altogether.


When I go to a new doctor I have to go through my lengthy medication list which usually leaves them stunned.


Well-known member
Actually with doctors, dentists or teachers I usually feel more at ease. I feel anxious when around people my own age because I feel that they're always looking at me and judging me.
You would think that I'd get used to going to the doctor's, as I have a chronic condition.


I hate everything about doctor's offices. First you have to call to make the appointment. Then you have to ride the bus to get there. Then you have to talk to the receptionist to get the paperwork. THEN you have to sit in the waiting room where no one has anything better to do than to stare at you (I think this is my least favorite part). And then on to bloodwork where the phlebotomist always feel the need to make small talk and THEN into the doctor's office where first the nurse and then the doctor ask so many questions and I never know if I'm answering right and I feel stupid and inadequate.Then they ask if I have any questions and I can never think of any, but I feel like I'm SUPPOSED TO. And then you have to talk to the receptionist again to make a follow-up appointment!

I HATE IT. After I recovered, the thing I cried most about was how unfair it was that I got something that is going to require follow-ups every three months/six months/yearly (but only after five years, and only if it doesn't come back!) for the rest of my life. And God forbid it ever comes back, I don't know what I'll do if that happens! Then I'd have to sit in a chair in a room with a freaking IV hooked into me while everyone tries to make small talk about what they've got! Ugh.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
you have to sit in the waiting room where no one has anything better to do than to stare at you (I think this is my least favorite part).

I've had a chronic condition since I was about 22 (autoimmune, that's what the chemo was for).

I always bring a book if I'm going to the doc or getting lab work done. I find that people leave me alone if my nose is in it intently (even when I can't concentrate on actually reading it).
^I've tried that too but then the person next to me tried to start a conversation about the book I was reading! I was like WTF man, let me read. -.-


Well-known member
When you see a doctor or dentist, do you feel like more of an idiot then usual? They ask you to follow simple directions and I feel I even suck at that.

I feel this way! and with the opticians, they have to come to close to your face that i burst out laughing! I get extremely nervous at these places and when i get nervous i'm guaranteed to make a fool of myself and feel like an idiot, and usually forget whatever they've told me to do while they stare at me as if to say 'well go on then!'. :eek: and ahhh, i blush so much too. ::(:
I get extremely nervous at these places and when i get nervous i'm guaranteed to make a fool of myself and feel like an idiot, and usually forget whatever they've told me to do while they stare at me as if to say 'well go on then!'.

I know! I'm a smart person, but I totally come off as completely absent minded when someone I don't know gives me directions. If only they knew how much we beat ourselves up for it.