God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor.


Well-known member
I knew I should've accepted my penpal's offer to join him in prison

He was in prison and he wanted you to join him when he got out??
Or he wanted you to be in prison too? :?


New member
Re: God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor

Flip a coin, read your horoscope, consult a psychic. Just make your decision quickly and stick to it and it'll be a lot easier. Unless he's going to shoot you for choosing wrongly (another ex-convict?), it's not the end of the world. Try what you want, see where it goes, and if you fail then so it goes. Good luck, and try to laugh at god's jokes.


Well-known member
Re: God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor

[Gone for good.]
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Well-known member
If you by prison mean jail/detention centre or whatever other terms used to describe a place where a convicted felon has to serve his time I'd say you stay away from him.


Well-known member
Re: God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor

Riiya said:
Hoth2 said:
Just make your decision quickly and stick to it and it'll be a lot easier.

I'm not famous for knowing what I want and/or making decisions quickly. That IS the problem.

I kind of agree, even though it may be hard for you to be impulsive, it's better to just make a decision and go with your immediate gut feeling instead of over-thinking it too much. I'm not sure I fully understood your post but you want something to work out you have to try to take a chance, there's probably more regret involved if you don't. I know it's easier said than done, but just some advice..


Well-known member
Re: God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor

Riiya said:
Hoth2 said:
Just make your decision quickly and stick to it and it'll be a lot easier.

I'm not famous for knowing what I want and/or making decisions quickly. That IS the problem.
Buy yourself a journal. Divide it into two columns: "What I want", and "What I don't want". Then as you progress through your relationship, fill in the columns with appropriate entries. When he exhibits a positive quality, write that down in the first column. Otherwise, write it in the second.

This might seem a little clinical, but, at least, if you don't marry him and live happily ever after with him, you will leave the relationship being closer to "knowing what you want" than you were before. And that can't be completely bad.
Re: God is a sick evil bastard with a twisted sense of humor

Riiya said:
I'm not famous for knowing what I want and/or making decisions quickly. That IS the problem.

I have the same problem, but (in theory -- I fail to put this into practice of course) you don't have to know what you want in order to choose. Sometimes life presents choices where you can't possibly make an informed sure-thing decision so you just have to roll the dice and move on.

flakeybark said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with not making decisions quickly.

The weight of a decision doubles every day. The decisions become progressively more impossible to make the more you think about them, and I'd end up crushed under it doing nothing.

Too many people are just driven by impulse and dive blindly into any given situation without seriously considering the consequences.

They seem foolish, but maybe those are the happy people.

At any rate you have to be able to separate the problems where thinking it over helps from the ones where it doesn't, and you have to know when you've used up all the useful thought. And when you reach that spot, you have to be able to make a choice which is a gamble and wait patiently for life to tell you the outcome.


New member

Amazing site. If you're not sure about God, it answers a LOT of questions, and you can pose your own. Even if you're not convinced, give it a go.

I'm not a religious nut but it has changed my life, makes a lot of sense.
