Giving Birth


Well-known member
So I'm getting induced at 5.45 in the morning. I'm curious as to see how its going to be having all the visitors and stuff.

Anyone out there experience this? How was it? Any tips on not becoming overwhelmed?


I hear its painful, and pain sucks as Im in pain 24/7/365.

Good luck, maybe once its done you can ask for some IV Dilaudid or Demerol
Congratulations! That's very exciting. I pray for you & the baby, that everything goes alright. I've been in the hospital a few times and found having visitors stressful and confusing. I just asked for more meds :) That seemed to help quite a bit. But if you're breast feeding that won't be possible. Maybe you should ask the nurses to limit your visitors to just a couple of people. This isn't a time to be experimenting with your social anxiety skills as you'll be focused on bringing this new life into the world. The baby will probably help you a lot in the future though. I'm so excited for you. Do you know it's sex yet? Have you named it?
After having my daughter in hospital, I had mostly nurses, midwives and a doctor around me, who I needed. My boyfriend was there. I live too far away from my relatives so I didn't get visitors. Best of luck :)


Well-known member
Congratulations! I was induced with both of my kids. It's a long process. My whole family was there,it was a real circus! I guess I would advise that you have visitors like two at a time,it might help your anxiety.


Well-known member
Congrats to you! Life is a gift, so I really don't understand how iamthenra can really say giving birth is a selfish act? Life's what you make out of it, and to be honest, you probably control 75% of what happends the you. Sure, there are always factors out of your reach, but most of it you can handle your life a certain way. Either way, Congrats to you and your family!
Wow, congratulations! I'm sure that however hard tomorrow will be it'll be well worth it, hope you and the baby do wonderful :)