Getting pushed around..


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This issue has bothered me for a very long time. That being quiet, being accomodative, being nice, makes me very easy to push around. I didn't realise this until a few years ago in work training.

The training program was filled with type A go getters… and me. I worked my ass off.

At the end of the program everyone was giving an evaluation sheet to rate their peers. Which a catch. Each person only had a limited number of points to give, meaning if they rated someone highly, they would be forced to rate someone else low.

Then came the day to receive the feedback. I went into the room with the evaluator and he slid over the piece of paper. I was the lowest in the entire group. “What do you think?” he asked. I was dejected. I worked so hard throughout training, tried to be nice to everyone, tried to be cooperative.
“I guess I need to try harder” I answered.

“No” he replied. “do you think you deserve this? You don’t deserve this. Why do you think this happened?”

I had no idea.

“they were forced to rate someone down, so they all picked the easiest target, the one that is a pushover. The one that won't speak up to defend himself” He said. “they’re pushing you around.”


Since then i have noticed many incidents where I am taken advantage of. Just because i don't have the guts to complain. Just because the act of standing up for myself is so traumatic, i'd rather keep quiet and endre people walking all over me. This is the part of being quiet that i hate most.


Well-known member
Yeah, I can kind of understand where you're coming from. I've always felt quite gullible. It's too easy to take advantage of me and I don't know how to stand up for myself. Like, I'll fall for a stupid trick and feel like an idiot, or I'll get sucked into doing favours when I really don't want to. People walk all over me sometimes. I find it hard just disagreeing with others at times. I may have a different opinion but I might just agree instead of feeling vulnerable trying to defend myself.
To be honest dude, you HAVE TO stand up for yourself because no one else ever will!

Having SA, this has been a problem with me for a very long time, till recently - I just stopped doing it (not standing up for myself) and people treat me with more respect/fear nowadays because they know I'd rather get my ass kicked than being pushed around. Don't get me wrong, I am still afraid of getting my ass kicked, but I'd prefer that than not standing up for myself... Besides, people will almost never go that far as to fight you ;) As soon as they see that you stand up for yourself, they back off. NO ONE pushes me around anymore... I live so much more comfotably now because of it :)

Stand up for yourself, EVEN if you think you'll get your ass kicked for it (worse case scenario) ;)


Well-known member
I agree with you guys, some times you need to say no to others. If you say yes I will do that to everyone, then no one will respect you. That is the hard facts