Funny or serious?


Active member
Everybody these days always try to be funny. Some of the stuff i hear is not even funny, and i would see people giving fake laughs. Like it's an a custom to laugh whether it's a good or bad joke.
So what do you view as funny? Any funny experiences?


Well-known member
It's pretty easy to make me laugh, even if I don't think it's funny. It's not that I'm faking a laugh, it's just like instinctual or something. I dunno.

But anybody with a humor like that of Gary Larson can make me really laugh.


Well-known member
I only laugh if I find something funny. I probably couldn't fake a laugh if I tried.

As to what I find funny I can not say. It's not something I can put into words very well. It's more "I know it when I see it."


I think when people "fake laugh" at a bad joke, its just them being polite. I have a hard time faking it, I usually just smile and shake my head.

As for what I find funny.. smart/wity humor. Rude and vulgar jokes are too easy, therefor, not funny to me.
I think when people "fake laugh" at a bad joke, its just them being polite. I have a hard time faking it, I usually just smile and shake my head.

As for what I find funny.. smart/wity humor. Rude and vulgar jokes are too easy, therefor, not funny to me.

same here..


Well-known member
I'm easy to laugh. I make light of everything; make fun of everything. I tend to laugh a lot.

I laugh or chuckle even when something isn't precisely funny just because I like to lighten the mood. I have a sorta serious look about me, so when I can laugh along with people I think it puts them at ease.

Also it's a great defense mechanism. If I can laugh everything off then nothing hurts me.


Well-known member
Yeah, it’s hard to say really, it’s usually spontaneous type stuff that works well in the moment. I get giggly sometimes over nothing because of nerves.
I laugh really fast. I'm a giggle-girl ::p:
I have a really weird sense of humour, My brother and I laugh about everything..
He always wants to make me laugh , so he acts like a freaky xD
I especially laugh about the most stupid things.