for those that don't work


Well-known member
do you feel you don't have the right to criticize others about their job or status in life? because you don't have a job yourself you're in no position to judge? example would be someone you think displays a personality which would make you surprised they could do their job effectively. for example they might show a lack of intelligence and yet work in a particular field which needs a lot of intelligence.


Well-known member
My life is a total can I ever criticize others when I can't do something about my own life.::(:


Well-known member
I do that, yea it's pretty ironic and stupid though, but lots of people judge. I keep telling myself "don't do that..don't be an *******"


Well-known member
Yeah, I feel like I have to hold myself back a lot.

I feel like people will attack me for my life situation if I say something critical.


Well-known member
i'm not sure i understand why there might be a need to judge or criticize someone else in the first place - regardless of our employment status


Well-known member
I have a lot of issues that prevent me from working and leading a "normal" and productive life. I'm basically a parasite. So, do I have the right to criticize others? Of course not.


Well-known member
i'm not sure i understand why there might be a need to judge or criticize someone else in the first place - regardless of our employment status

I dunno, I guess I have sets of standards that are ingrained into how I think, my parents are very much like this, they think things should be done correctly etc. I suppose its rubbed off or been inherited into me but they both led productive lives whereas I don't.


Well-known member
i'm not sure i understand why there might be a need to judge or criticize someone else in the first place - regardless of our employment status

There's a lot of reasons. Could be resentment, bitterness, jaleousy, the need to feel better about oneself. That's the ego.


Well-known member
The ego is unconcious.

It's a large collective of bad memories, conditioned thought patterns, etc. It dictates a lot of our behavior if we let it, for the good or bad.


Well-known member
For the most part, I think people should live and let live. To take from the OP, if someone I thought was dumb turned out to have a smart people job, OK, that's a little incongruous, but hey, good for him.

But just because I can objectively look at myself and realize I'm a complete recluse with a partial education and next to nil real-world experience, that doesn't necessarily invalidate my opinion. I'm a rational human being, and in a completely general sense I'm no less qualified to opine than any other given person.

Criticism - constructive criticism - is important. If someone I care about is doing something I think is somehow unwise or reckless, then I certainly have the right to tell them I think that. I rarely do because I'm terrified of rocking the boat, not because I'm a jobless leech.


Well-known member
There's a lot of reasons. Could be resentment, bitterness, jaleousy, the need to feel better about oneself. That's the ego.

The ego is unconcious.

It's a large collective of bad memories, conditioned thought patterns, etc. It dictates a lot of our behavior if we let it, for the good or bad.

well, then it seems to me that these are the things a person should be concerned about rather than what someone else might be doing

perhaps if we could let go of these feelings - or our ego - we wouldn't feel the need to judge others

and if we didn't feel like we needed to judge others, perhaps we wouldn't assume that others need to judge us

and then perhaps we wouldn't feel the need to worry about how we might appear under scrutiny
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razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
perhaps if we could let go of these feelings - or our ego - we wouldn't feel the need to judge others

and if we didn't feel like we needed to judge others, perhaps we wouldn't assume that others need to judge us

and then perhaps we wouldn't feel the need to worry about how we might appear under scrutiny

Yeah, yeah, exactly what you said there.

I judge others all the time, but I would really like to stop all that. It just doesn't make me feel good and it makes me even more paranoid thinking others are judging me. I grew up listening to my parents judge the whole world. I am sick of it. Sick. I want to be more accepting of others, and perhaps in turn I will be more accepting of myself.