Finally Happy


Well-known member
I went to a friend's 18th last night, I was definately worried beforehand for OBVIOUS reasons.

But hey, i survived, and made at least 2 very long, succesful conversations! from my side of talking too! one was with a guy i lost out on as a friend years ago,one of those many casualties of my SA. But we got talking several times, he said I should have gone to the Reading festival, and i'll probably go next year with his group. We shared quite a few music conversations, it was so rewardng for me, i felt amazingly proud.

Last night really saved my longterm life, i now have a few more social steppingstones!

It didn't help that a girl i hd met with 2 friends quite a while ago was there. The one that mistook me for the other guy's name and ended up flirting with me on msn....she asked what my name was last night, not recognising me, and when I sais 'i'm james, don't you remember?' she just blushed and ran off! ah well, it was father funny..she ended up glancing at me several times for some reason, maybe 'd had too much to drink to be shy about that..

wow, i'm hoping this will be a good final year of school! hope it is for the rest of you,

it feels kinda odd that my life is slowly going upwards as of the last few weeks, whilst there are so many of you left alone suffering terribly...good luck


Congratulations on your victory over the constant struggle that is social phobia. I am getting there myself, as I'm getting out and reconnecting with old friends a lot more than in the previous couple of years. It's due to self help therapy and medication. If I didn't go to the doctor a couple of years ago who knows where I'd be right now.
