Feeling embarrassed for people on TV


I have this weird thing where if a character in a movie or TV show does something that would embarrass me, I actually get embarrassed! I have to stop watching... cover my eyes and plug my ears.

Anyone else get this?


Well-known member
This never happens to me, mainly because i am too selfish and am fully aware that these people are recieving huge sums of money to act in these shows.

However there are exceptions, it depends if im watching say a medical story where a real person is suffering, then i feel the emotion but never on a soapie or sketch show.


Well-known member
Re: Feeling embarrased for people on TV

limelight said:
I have this weird thing where if a character in a movie or TV show does something that would embarrass me, I actually get embarrased! I have to stop watching... cover my eyes and plug my ears.

Anyone else get this?

That happens to me sometimes too! I thought I was the only one.. :D


Well-known member
That happend to me when I was younger, especially when people were expressing their affection and emotions to each other.

I was getting all embaresed although I wasn't the one doing the action. Weird, not even now I can't explain why that happened.

Noe it's not the case cause I too expressed my love and feelings to my ex GF and that feeling vanished. :wink:


Well-known member
Home and Away? I generally laugh at the humiliating moments. Again i just can't look passed the fact that they are only actors getting payed and are glorified as heroes in the media as being influential.

I cried with joy! when a scientist won! Australian of the year.


Staff member
StealThis said:
Nytro said:
well if you talking about reality tv shows you can count me in on that embarassment

Have you ever seen that huge women on trading spouses

http://www.youtube.com/w/Trading-Spouses---...-...-WOW?v=yRIF3FqlX0A&search=trading spouses

heres the clip, this deff. made me embarrased

That lady is sooooo off the wall its not even funny. I think she was playing to the camera though.


religous zealot nutjob

"they are darksided" :lol:

I'd love to see the entire episode

those poor poor children :(


Staff member
They were too scared to stand up to her

as was the husband :lol:

she must have been at the Salem witch trials in a previous life :lol:

to have a mum who preaches so insanely religious doctrines and throws the crew out if they "dont believe in jesus", I feel pity for those kids, mind you, I'm sure they are bound to rebel eventually.

astrology is witchcraft? god help us here in the UK then, dont think I've met many woman who dont rattle on about "the stars" :p

I noticed after consideration she took the tainted money alloted by "the darksider" after the show (double standards)


Well-known member
Nytro said:
well if you talking about reality tv shows you can count me in on that embarassment

Have you ever seen that huge women on trading spouses

http://www.youtube.com/w/Trading-Spouses---...-...-WOW?v=yRIF3FqlX0A&search=trading spouses

heres the clip, this deff. made me embarrased

I saw both episodes she was on. I think she also was in a weight loss reality show. She reminds me of a woman I usded to know... if she were possessed by a demon. :evil: and she did act that way the whole time. Only thing worse than a bigot, is an insane bigot. She was so crazy she got physically ill because she thought the washing machine was possessed. I didnt feel embarrassed for her, I felt angry at the husband for not standing up to her and I felt pity for the children.

I get so embarrassed for people on tv I have to change the channel. Strangely though I normally dont feel that way for reality shows, just fake shows.


Well-known member
limelight said:
I have this weird thing where if a character in a movie or TV show does something that would embarrass me, I actually get embarrassed! I have to stop watching... cover my eyes and plug my ears.

Anyone else get this?

I have something similar to this, but thought I was just going insane lol!

If something embarrasing starts to happen, I will turn red & if something happens to someone where they are guilty of something, or horrified at something, I only feel OKAY if someone is watching it with me, as I feel strange & nervous if I watch it alone.

Its weird !

I watch home & away (my fave soap), neighbours & sometimes coronation st when Im at home & its soaps where I feel the most nervous when watching!

Also when Ive been to the cinema & I come out, I feel as though Ive taken on the lead female character in the film, I cant explain it, but if the character is very confident, I will feel confident, but then after an hour or so, this fades away


Nytro said:
well if you talking about reality tv shows you can count me in on that embarassment

Have you ever seen that huge women on trading spouses

http://www.youtube.com/w/Trading-Spouses---...-...-WOW?v=yRIF3FqlX0A&search=trading spouses

heres the clip, this deff. made me embarrased

At first I thought she was demonically possessed but she was obviously just pissed off and jealous about the fact another woman had taken her place in the family for a week and obviously done a much better job. I wasn't embarrassed for her but I wanted to shoot her, and I felt sorry for the rest of the family for having to put up with that f**king thing in their lives.