feeling comfortable is actually the problem?


Well-known member
I have managed to put myself in a situation where i feel comfortable. In my job, in my personal life. Unfortunately for someone as shy as me, that means i'm not being challenged, I'm not taking on more responsibility, i'm not meeting new people, and my level of maturity, as a person, is still the same as it was years ago.

I feel like i'm watching the few people I do know grow up and leave me behind. And I'm reluctant to make a change because I like where i am.

To change I know i need to take a risk, change my job, meet new people, and its so tough to throw away short term comfort to make that decision. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the most dangerous situation to be in as short term stretches into long term.


Well-known member
Hey Wooa,

I cant speak for you. I dont know you or your situation. In my personal case though, i figure we have a hard enough time as it is getting through life, if i can find somthing somewhere with a job i can do, and earn enough to survive thats enough for me.

Is it comfort? or boredom that your having problems with?>