Exercise helps....


I have been working out for 4/5 years. Not very regular though. As I have been suffering from these disorders (SAD, ADD, Depression etc.) for a very long time, my immune system has become very weak. And I get sick very often. That's why I often discontinue my exercise. Now the point is, I noticed when I can't go to gym for some days my SAD gets worse and becomes severe day by day. Exercise cannot cure my SAD even if I am regular, but It helps. I think I should try yoga. It would be better for this kinda problem. What do you think, guys?


Well-known member
Exercise isn't a cure for SA but everyone should take exercise as it's good for the body and mind.

I do a bit of yoga now and then. It's nice, it stretches the muscles and makes me feel less crunched up and tense. I also feel refreshed and releaxed afterwards. Somehow I never feel particularly excited by the prospect of doing it so don't do it as much as would truly benefit me.

Also tried meditiation but could never get it to happen.

I recommend yoga, not just because it's good for your body and mind, but because trying new things is also good for you. It broadens the mind, gives you addition knowledge and it's good to have addition knowledge of things you can talk about with other people.

Don't go for the headstands too early - they're actually potentially dangerous (one false move and you could break your neck). Build up with the easier stuff first, concentrate on getting the postures correct and the deep breathing working right rather than rushing through and going to the advanced stuff too early.

I'm sure you're not expecting it to cure SA but I say definitely take it up!!


Well-known member
Maybe yoga would not be as good for depression because it involves (I think) much less muscular exertion. I am no expert, but I have read somewhere that it is precisely exertion that triggers the production of those chemicals in the brain that make you feel better and help combat depression.

But then, it is very possible that some aspects of yoga like learning relaxation and self control (I hardly know what I am talking about, as you may have guessed) may help more in the long run than the quick fix of chemicals you get from hard excercise.

It is good that you are able to keep yourself fit, I have given up practicing regularly a long time ago. My body for some reason remains fit for the time being, but before or after I will feel the consequences of such continuous lack of excercise.


Well-known member
Quixote said:
Maybe yoga would not be as good for depression because it involves (I think) much less muscular exertion. I am no expert, but I have read somewhere that it is precisely exertion that triggers the production of those chemicals in the brain that make you feel better and help combat depression.
True! Intense exercise causes the brain to first release dopamin, then serotonin, so it's basically a natural anti-depressant.


i must say that after i exercise i feel much better and less anxious,
for example i went skiing with my family and family friends and after a whole day of skiing when i was totally tired, i was much more relaxed with people.
Yoga didn't help me, but i believe it can really help you but im kinda hiperactive so i couldn't let my energy out when i was doing it one year.
I prefer dancing :D
sport rocks! :wink:


Well-known member
i,ve just started swimming again and i have to say it's given me a bit of a boost. my partner does yoga and he finds it helps him to relax as it concentrates on your breathing. i did try this but can't say it worked for me but then everyone's different. give it a go what have you got to lose?


I always seem to feel calmer if I get an hour or so of hard cardio in everyday. I've never tried yoga though, so I don't know about that.


^ Yeah an hour of cardio really balances you out for the better, I usually do cardio then a few hours I do some basic dumbbell weightlifting on my bench press at home. If I could only cut out the snacks...


Well-known member
Exercise certainly helps reduce my anxiety levels. A hour on my bike, and after my mind feels so much calmer and clearer.


i read that physical exercises burns the adrinaline and cortisol which is the fuel for anxiety so whenever you feel depressed it is recommended
to do ANY PHYSICAL work and it will improve your state


Well-known member
Yup, exercise really helps. But I would be careful with the yoga issue. Yoga is a great exercise, yet I wouldnt reccomend you to join any yoga clubs or organizations because many of these are dangerous cults in fact. Psychical manipulation is not a good thing at all.


Well-known member
Exercise was a very glorious thing for me. I started to exercise regularly in the Fall of 2002.. I was pretty hardcore in 2003-2004.. And boy did it feel good! I started to feel better about my body and strong. I had greater self-esteem, etc. I have sort of "let myself go" within the last year. I feel like sh!t again. I want to start back up - starting tomorrow. Hopefully I will feel as good as I did before.


Well-known member
Tryin said:
Yup, exercise really helps. But I would be careful with the yoga issue. Yoga is a great exercise, yet I wouldnt reccomend you to join any yoga clubs or organizations because many of these are dangerous cults in fact. Psychical manipulation is not a good thing at all.

I'm sorry but that sounds crazy to me 8O


Well-known member
Thelema said:
Tryin said:
Yup, exercise really helps. But I would be careful with the yoga issue. Yoga is a great exercise, yet I wouldnt reccomend you to join any yoga clubs or organizations because many of these are dangerous cults in fact. Psychical manipulation is not a good thing at all.

I'm sorry but that sounds crazy to me 8O

could you explain why?

ehhm.. well i have a problem with finding proper words in english... i didnt want to say that all yoga clubs are cults. i just wanted to warn you. in my country theres a society called Yoga In Daily Life, which is a cult. and SA sufferers might be less immune from psychical manipulation. so beware.
Tryin said:
Thelema said:
Tryin said:
Yup, exercise really helps. But I would be careful with the yoga issue. Yoga is a great exercise, yet I wouldnt reccomend you to join any yoga clubs or organizations because many of these are dangerous cults in fact. Psychical manipulation is not a good thing at all.

I'm sorry but that sounds crazy to me 8O

could you explain why?

ehhm.. well i have a problem with finding proper words in english... i didnt want to say that all yoga clubs are cults. i just wanted to warn you. in my country theres a society called Yoga In Daily Life, which is a cult. and SA sufferers might be less immune from psychical manipulation. so beware.

Cool, let's start our own yoga cult. Should we get freaky haircuts too?
How come Denise Austin is the only exercise show on TV? I mean she's hot and everything, but I'm sure there are hotter chicks in skimpier outfits that could motivate guys to get off their bums. TV is made for women, otherwise there would be many bikini channels. ok short rant is over