Electro Acupuncture Today


Well-known member
Hi all,

Today I began acupuncture treatment here in Hong Kong. I told the doctor about my problems, being sweating when nervous or in hot climate, combined with palpitation and facial blushing when stressed/nervous. I showed him papers from my hospital visit when being diagnosed with Primary Hyperhidrosis and over active Sympathetic Nervous System.

I was in contact with the clinic before so he knew a bit about my problem, and briefly stated "social phobia" and "panic disorder" caused by the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves being in imbalance. I think those are somewhat equivalent to Ying and Yang in Chinese Medicine.

He seemed to understand the cause of the problem and said it was not uncommon; just earlier this week he had a patient with the same symptoms.

I was given acupuncture which I also received last year in Beijing, but this was totally different. Being performed at a University clinic, they have more funds and got top notch stuff, I guess. As compared to last year's 6-8 needles, I was stuck from top to bottom with what the nurse said was "20-something" thin needles. They then attached something to four of the needles on my head, giving small electric pulses/chocks via a small machine. It felt like my skin was being torn-off, put back, torn-off, put back, torn-off, put back for every pulse/chock that appeared roughly 50-60 times per minute.

I was there for 20 minutes. My hands dripped sweat during the treatment and my feet became clammy even though it was cold in the room, me wearing only underwear and a t-shirt. I fell asleep but there was a sweat mark after my butt crack on the bench, obviously not from nervousness but hopefully from some of the points he stuck the needles to. I now have a bit pain in my left hand and around my head, but nothing disturbing.

The acupuncture here is quite cheap -- some 30 USD per session. I decided to give it at least once a week for 8 weeks. They also wanted to prescribe some herbal medicine, which is more expensive, around 100 USD per week, and I can't simply afford it. Maybe I will make the decision to take a half dose per day and therefore slash the price in half. I took that medicine before though without any significant results -- but it is supposed to work best when combined with acupuncture.

We will see where this lead, I will keep you updated.

Some links about what acupuncture can do for the Sympathetic Nervous System:

Acupuncture Lowers Stress Response in Heart Patients
Vol 16, #2 - Hyperhydrosis
Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety
Facial Blushing: Acupuncture


hey man, how does it go? Acupuncture seems fairly interesting and I would like to try it out for my HH