Driving and Social Anxiety


Well-known member
Hi everyone

Guess what? My SA even poses problems from me when I'm driving (I'm a learner at the moment)....I thought it would be great for someone like to me to learn to drive so that I don't have to use public transport - something I dread as an SA sufferer. As a passenger, I'm very comfortable being in a car. However, as a driver, my SA has become an issue!! :(

I feel very nervous , particularly in narrow roads or situations when other drivers come into close proximity.....even when other drivers wait for you while you complete your manouvre. I feel like they're observing and judging me. I feel flustered and panicked:oops: :oops:

Is this the case for other people who drive? Or is this one area that your SA does not interfere with?


Well-known member
yeah, there must be some connection b/c i was the last of all my friends to learn how to drive and i had to learn so i could go off to college etc. it took me years...

i get REALLY nervous if people i'm not very close to are riding with me (i.e. anyone other than my mom or my best friend). i'm so afraid i'll scare them or something will happen b/c i'm so nervous...


Well-known member
Driving is difficult for me also....but being a passenger in the car is very relaxing...i have to drive to work..i live out in the country...first thing in the morning...like 4 am not too many others on the road and it's dark...it's better, but i get really nervous when other cars get too close to me...or are waiting behind me at a stop sign...i feel like they're judging me...or like...getting impatient with me....but the worst is stopped at a red light....and someone in car next to me...and i feel like i'm being checked out or stared at 8O ...i always try to fidget to look busy...but i probably look more like a dork 8O .....and i'm constantly worried and checking my fluids under the hood...cause one of my worst fears is breaking down and having to go somewhere unfamiliar looking for help :x


Well-known member
Sometimes I get nervous too that other drivers might be criticizing my driving. Since I admit that I do sometimes criticize others if they're going too slow infront of me or something. lol. but I just turn my music up and try not to think about it and don't let it bother me too much.


I too have this problem, my worst nightmare is stalling the engine at traffic lights :?

So me and my partner have decided to go for an automatic which im hoping will help some


Well-known member
I can relate to this problem. I get severe anxiety when driving. I have never even gone for my drivers license test. I would rather drive illegally with no license then have to go through being in a car with the instructor watching and judging everything i do.


New member
i get really bad anxiety when driving particularly when i stop next to another car at an intersection or when another car is really close behind and i can see the drivers face each time i look in the mirror. also when ppl from other cars look at me i feel like their judging my driving. ive always felt like this when driving and i had a couple of bad experiences with other drivers when i was learning too which just made the anxiety worse..


Well-known member
SaharaWorld said:
I feel very nervous , particularly in narrow roads or situations when other drivers come into close proximity.....even when other drivers wait for you while you complete your manouvre. I feel like they're observing and judging me. I feel flustered and panicked:oops: :oops:

Hey, if it helps, think of the worst possible situation and be glad that isn't you - sat in the middle of the road with half a motorbike on top of you and hundreds of people staring. Yep, that was me as a learner. :lol:


Well-known member
now now...
reading about getting anxiety of driving give me anxiety to take up my motorbike license..nooo
right now i'm in the process of saving money to take the first step towards my license..and i had dreams about my future motorbike..
now..i begin to feel the dread coming..don't.. :(


Well-known member
sweetsour_eisha said:
now now...
reading about getting anxiety of driving give me anxiety to take up my motorbike license..nooo
right now i'm in the process of saving money to take the first step towards my license..and i had dreams about my future motorbike..
now..i begin to feel the dread coming..don't.. :(

Aww but the dread is inevitable, you just have to learn to expect it and carry on. Even people without SP get incredibly nervous when they first learn to drive. Anyway, just think of all the independance you'll gain from a licence, plus the bonus coolness factor of a motorbike ontop of that. 8)


Well-known member
What a relief, I thought I was the only person who gets nervous driving. I'm always scared that I am going to cause a crash.


I get terribly nervous while I'm driving, the whole time I feel on edge. I've got a learner's permit right now and the person that is with me always tells me I'm doing fine but I still feel like I'm embarrasing myself.

THe WORST thing is when you're stopped and another driver looks you in the eye.


Active member
Well i haven't drove since last July when i lost my liscence due to Drink-driving. Since then i haven't had a job, so haven't had any money! I'm mostly a confident driver, passed 1st time with no faults!! It's the only thing i'm confident about....But then again i haven't drove for a year and a half :?

I think i see my car a the safe place to get away from the outside world. If you have to go to a shop it's always a relief to know you can retreat back to your little safe bubble.(car :lol: )

sweetsour_eisha - I'd go for your bike liscence! It will be the best thing you could do. Everything brings it's own worries, but it's worth it in the end. I'd say the only worry with bikes is your physical safety. I've always wanted a bike, and i had a moped at 16. The only thing i worry about is the fact that cars don't always see you....but that's a different subject. Go For It! :wink: