Does Social Anxiety get better with age?


Well-known member
Something I've noticed about my SA is that it started when I was a smalll child, and gradually worsened each year, reaching its peak at age 14/15, which doesn't come as a surprise given that the teenage years are extremely difficult.

Since then, it's been improving (at an alarmingly slow rate, but improving nevertheless) and I feel that it will only get better with time/age/experience. (I'm 23 and am much better at coping with SA provoking situations than I did as a teenager).

Has this been the case for everyone else? Is your SA improving with age?


I have had SA since my late teens I didn’t know that that feeling of social isolation had a name until about 2 years ago.
I am now 41, and in my own experience SA is a roller coaster life I can have episodes where I can go out socially, I have been for job interviews and I have a job that brings me into contact with the general public.
By the same token I have had episodes where I haven’t seen or spoken to another soul for weeks at a time.
I feel that the SA doesn’t get better with age it is how you cope with it that improves,
I have now reached a level of acceptance of my condition, I still yearn for a “normal social life” but the art of prolonged social interaction is lost to me.
You are still young and there is help out there, bite the bullet and get some help, I would hate for you or anyone to look back at life and say I wish I did this or I wish I could have done that…..
Good luck


Well-known member
no in my opinion Age isn't a factor at all

like legin said experience may affect it

more experienced persons know what to do in the most social situations to avoid getting embarrassed and blushed or at least decrease it

also there is some other important factors like the aim in life if you have a strong aim in life you will work on making it true other things like SA will look weak and small beside your aim

some other factor is your status are you depressed,happy,very happy
happy person have more will and desire to be social person

I was talking about my self but i think all other SA sufferers have these factors affected their SA


Well-known member
Got worse untill now,im far more depressed than before,self injur alot more and just cant be bothered with life.


Well-known member
SaharaWorld said:
Something I've noticed about my SA is that it started when I was a smalll child, and gradually worsened each year, reaching its peak at age 14/15, which doesn't come as a surprise given that the teenage years are extremely difficult.

Since then, it's been improving (at an alarmingly slow rate, but improving nevertheless) and I feel that it will only get better with time/age/experience. (I'm 23 and am much better at coping with SA provoking situations than I did as a teenager).

Has this been the case for everyone else? Is your SA improving with age?

I have experienced the same pattern as you. After I got out of high school, what my peers thought of me mattered a little less. I was more focused on my education and found that my peers were doing the same. I also have held more serious jobs and have been forced to be more assertive and open.


Well-known member
For me it has gotten better. I remember being in complete agony in my younger years. I was a waitress for about 6 years (even while occasionally ducking into the bathroom to have full blown anxiety attacks) and then worked in an office for about 5. I was in lots of social situations without uttering a word :oops: I have always tried to push myself into situations that brought me in contact with people.

I'm 41 and now SA is like a tiring irritation. I hardly ever blush and if I do it doesn't bother me much. I'm on effexor and occasionally xanex. The effexor stops me from torturing myself with replaying thoughts about past events. Recalling even minor social situations that I used to have a need to analyze to decide what I had said or did wrong. It also takes the edge off SA but isn't a cure for me.
The xanex also gives an extra boost, but still not 100 percent.

Now I can go and do anything I want to. Sometimes it just takes a lot of fighting myself to do it. School was my highest anxiety in youth. I went back to school a couple of years ago and will be done in a couple more.

Not a perfect life but I don't know anybody that does.
I wish you good luck.


Well-known member
I think the simple fact that other people feel this way too has helped me 10 fold. Like others I didnt know SA existed. Found out about it on accident and was scared to death when I read about it. Still havent been able to admit to anyone I think I have it (other than the net, so easy here) or talk about it.

SA still sucks ass. It compounds the other problems with life or the other problems compound the SA, either way or both, I dont know.


Active member
For myself it has gotten a bit better, I'm 33. Though I think it's because I'm not exposed to as many social situations as I was when I was a teenager and I'm not in university any longer. BUT, my sister, who's 43 (I think) says her ability to socialize has gotten better, eventhough she's cut back on her meds. (which is good right?)

There's tons of hope!!! Always remember that! :wink:


Well-known member
mine is gotten a little better, but is still strong, the peak was in high school.

i still have my moments when i feel like fainting or having a panick attack.

i read through the internet about some of the methods to beat the anxiety, and that helped a bit.

There's tons of hope!!! Always remember that!

I try to tell myself that too, although it's so hard for me to belive i can live a normal life