Does anyone have BDD?


Well-known member
What are the criterias to have it? Does it have to be 'extreme'? I've read about people who never step outside the door because of a constant fear that they look ugly.

I suspect I may have it but they don't really diagnose people with BDD that often here it seems.


Well-known member
Yes I do, this is one of my bigger hurdles over the years. It's gradually evolved to full body rejection. I wear hoodies all the time and never look in reflective surfaces.


Well-known member
i have it,along with pure ocd.
that's one of the reasons it's easier for me to talk with men,because i feel so ugly next to other girls and i keep comparing myself to them.


Well-known member
I have a bad case of BDD. I just can't stand my body shape, and body frame, and facial structure. Also my high forehead, bad, thin hair, and acne scars.
The contours of my body make me cringe, I'm overweight, and running my hands on the curves just get's me all gut wrenched. I'm always self conscious in public. I wear specific kind of clothes that I even hate. Being me is just unbearable.
The way I deal with it is: lose weight. That's the most I can do, and I'm working my butt off.


Well-known member
i have it,along with pure ocd.
that's one of the reasons it's easier for me to talk with men,because i feel so ugly next to other girls and i keep comparing myself to them.

I have been wondering if there's a connection between OCD and BDD. When I was very young I had OCD, though I never knew it at the time. I actually considered myself normal at the time! lol.

Ali Ali

^ Well i dont have BDD as severe as those people in the video. My problem is really just my nose, specifically the nostrils. They're very uneven. I'm thinking of getting a nose job to correct this deformity (i think its a deformity lol).
I don't have BDD. I think the amount I hate the way
I look is in proportion to the way I actually look. So I am quite justified.


Maybe a touch.... but I cant tell if I have BDD or if I am just ugly. I feel ugly. No one ever tells me I am good looking....or if they do they are just saying that to protect my feelings ... the way people react to me suggests I am unattractive. I dont like my face at all.

Being unattractive is unacceptable
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Well-known member
Maybe a touch.... but I cant tell if I have BDD or if I am just ugly. I feel ugly. No one ever tells me I am good looking....or if they do they are just saying that to protect my feelings... the way people react to me suggests I am unattractive. I dont like my face at all.

again, i'd go with BDD

because, from your pictures, you are a decent-looking guy

I still don't know if I have BDD, I don’t think so. I honestly think that I’m just ugly, but I don’t believe is a disorder reserved just for the pretty people. Maybe it's just that I don't want to say I have it. Either way, I am way too obsessed with my appearance, it bothers me constantly. I don’t think there is one thing about my appearance I actually like, and all the bad features combined make me so ugly. I hate my face more than anything though, but I really dislike my body too. It’s the biggest reason why I don’t want to go outside or avoid people. I just don’t’ want people to look at me. I really never see people who are uglier me. It’s so hard for me to find other people who I actually believe are ugly, but when I look at myself everything about me is disgusting. I’ll never be satisfied with my appearance, and I need to accept that I’ll look like this forever. I have no idea how to accept being ugly forever.