Does anyone feel worse when there are actual events going on...


Well-known member
and your not part of it?

I was thinking about the really big uni parties...generally on a daily basis I dont have to think everyone is out having fun, but on these nights theres no avoiding it!!!! I know everyone will be there (including my ex boyfriend with all his many friends...who i dont love, but something still stings from taht relationship for some reason!) and i'll be home alone...bored...lonely!

These nights are by far the worst and theres a few coming up before the end of semester!

Along these lines, I also hate new years eve, my birthday and when this massive music festival comes to my hometown and Im the only one for miles not to go!!

Grrrrr....I ****in hate SA!


Well-known member
I know how you feel 100%... I just want to live a normal life again.. go to dinner parties, friends birthdays, bars and so on.. without thinking the world is watching me.. and calming up with a red face and sweat ... I'm in Sydney too maybe we can chat some time...


Soooo, I gues your just venting?:) I'm the same way. There are music festivals, concerts that I would love to attend. But just like you "GrrrrrI ****in hate SA!" Shit I haven't taken a vacation in over 6 years. I'm on a emotional roller coaster every day. I'm giving lexapro a try next week. I'm really going to make an effort to stay on some medication now. That and coupled with a psychiatrist is a start.


Well-known member
I know how you feel, I use to go to concerts, clubs,bars but now I'm a itunes/mtv fan because I can not be there.. =:( ...

The thing about SA is there is not enough known and not much spending on fixing it.. I want to break out of this bubble and see the world again...