Think of how your life would had been if you didn't have depression or anxiety. Do you like have pics in your head and scenes of what your life would had been and the way you would had been with ppl if you were depression and anxiety free. I know i do.............


Well-known member
Though there's been similar threads, I like seeing what people have to say about this.

For me... I'd be the same guy. The scary thought is me being any kind of a risk taker though... like the guy who's buried deep inside me. I kind of feel like I have an extremely repressed version of myself on display (for lack of a better term) who plays it safe, and stays safe etc. But the total opposite of that is somewhere in there, just laying dormant... waiting to come out or something.

But I'd definitely mess up. I wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, but I have the personality of somebody who's easily... addicted to things... i guess. I've even been told that by friends and family, and it's probably true. But in that sense I'm a little afraid of overcoming my fears, and a little bit glad I have some of them to keep me fenced in. Pretty much, i have no idea what i'd be like whatsoever if I ever got over the SA and whatnot, and I might not ever really know. But i get the feeling it's probably a little different than the guy i am today.


Active member
I spend a lot of time daydreaming, so this is something that I think about at least once a day. Unfortunately, it's really depressing to imagine, because it just reminds me of all the things I've missed out on because of SA...

I actually think I'd be a cynical asshole if I didn't have SA, so maybe it's sort of a good thing.
It at least lets me be empathetic towards people's feelings.


Well-known member
Always. Whenever I'm in a social situation, I always imagine being smooth and charming and talking easily. Unfortunatly, this results in me living in my head instead of ever actually doing anything, and life passes me by.
It's hard to think of the relationships and the good times I could have without SA.


Well-known member
I don't really have to wonder, thanks to my Meds and Therapy I can safely experience an anxiety free day about once a week...wish everyday could be like that :cry:


Well-known member
Who doesnt??
Its impossible not to think about what could have been, or what could be.
Even people that dont suffer from SA do that.


Well-known member
It's difficult to imagine but
I think I would be like one of the people walking on the sidewalk with a friend. Laughing, smiling etc.

I can't even imagine such a thing as what everything would be like if everything was "ideal" know?

How to gaze upon the sky if you were born blind?