Did this ever happen to you? Overhearing people talk about you?


Well-known member
Looking back on my life, this is a common occurrence.:thinking:
People who were nearby, definitely within my earshot, would stare at me and make (negative) comments. I assume they were staring since they would comment on my appearance. I can remember this back to at least 6th grade. I would be minding my own business, not really paying attention to the person/people but I could definitely hear them. This has happened to me not too long ago, and I'm in college now. I've figured out that everyone covertly stares at people, but I wonder if with other people they are so bold as to make fun of them while they are only a few steps away? Please answer even if just to say "no."


Well-known member
Yes. I get really embarrassed and angry when they do that. But really they are just insecure about themselves because they feel the need to talk bad to others even when they don't know the person.


Well-known member
I encountered this behaviour mostly at school, where I was an easy target. LittleGloves is very much correct that it's a reflection of them more than you.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Oh yes, you're definitely not alone in that regard, and you're not imagining things either.

*** holes thrive off the meekness of shy people, and can be very brazen when they sense that you won't give it back. It happens to me, and I'm a large, grown-ish man.


Well-known member
Definitely has happened to me many times in the past! I've had people talking about me but when I looked at them, they told me that they're talking about some pop star with a similar name! They must have thought I was really stupid. Eventually, people became bolder and couldn't care less about bashing me within earshot. I've had people yell/scream obscenities at me, just a few feet away or right in front of my face. Scary times.

You're right that people stare at each other covertly. Except that shy, quiet people get bashed for it more often. I was accused of being gay just because I looked at some girl. I didn't think it was fair because those bullies looked at me just as much, sometimes staring. How would they like it if I called them gay for that?


Well-known member
Yes, its happened to me before too. Mostly when I was in high school. There was actually a group of girls who would just sit and watch people during a class I had with them and they would make rude comments out loud and giggle while looking at whoever they were making fun of. I overheard them talking about me plenty of times, and I always wanted to confront them, but I never did. It made me sick.


Well-known member
This is always really hurtful. People just love to talk about/complain/bitch about other people. I'm used to seeing this happen to me and other people. When it happens to me I always cover my ears so I can't hear what I'm overhearing. This method works for me because...if I don't know what they said, then I can't get depressed about it

Ignorance is bliss ;)


Well-known member
Yes this has happened before in the past and I've actually stepped up to them and asked them if they had a problem with me. They simply looked at me and told me that they're not talking about me, walking away thinking I was paranoid I heard them snicker and make more comments about me as I walked away. Some people are just cruel.


Well-known member
I'm sorry this all happened to y'all too. I'm not surprised we've all encountered sucky people but I'm surprised this thing happens to others as well.
Yes this has happened before in the past and I've actually stepped up to them and asked them if they had a problem with me. They simply looked at me and told me that they're not talking about me, walking away thinking I was paranoid I heard them snicker and make more comments about me as I walked away. Some people are just cruel.
Dreamy, I'm glad you stood up to those people. You prove they are cowards.

Definitely has happened to me many times in the past! I've had people talking about me but when I looked at them, they told me that they're talking about some pop star with a similar name! They must have thought I was really stupid. Eventually, people became bolder and couldn't care less about bashing me within earshot. I've had people yell/scream obscenities at me, just a few feet away or right in front of my face. Scary times.

You're right that people stare at each other covertly. Except that shy, quiet people get bashed for it more often. I was accused of being gay just because I looked at some girl. I didn't think it was fair because those bullies looked at me just as much, sometimes staring. How would they like it if I called them gay for that?
I actually have a huge fear of being caught staring at someone and then it being assumed I like them! The ironic thing is I don't stare at people. And those girls sound like cowards too, that's why they had to make up a silly lie.

Yes. I get really embarrassed and angry when they do that. But really they are just insecure about themselves because they feel the need to talk bad to others even when they don't know the person.
I know you're right. It just sucks that I end up around these people when I literally do nothing to them.

Yes, its happened to me before too. Mostly when I was in high school. There was actually a group of girls who would just sit and watch people during a class I had with them and they would make rude comments out loud and giggle while looking at whoever they were making fun of. I overheard them talking about me plenty of times, and I always wanted to confront them, but I never did. It made me sick.

I had a class in high school like that too. I was always too scared to say anything. I pretended to ignore even when I heard it all perfectly.