

Well-known member
If there's nothing likable about you, why does she like you? You could go out with her and when you get nervous, tell her it's because she's just so beautiful it's hard to relax. Girls love the flattery.


Well-known member
Faults, faults, faults. Stop worrying about your faults! She likes you. You already won her over. And if she truly loves you and isn't scared away yet, then you don't have a whole lot to worry about. Also, there's one thing I want to make clear - your friends are right about being yourself. BUT, you can't be yourself if you don't like the person you really are. This anxiety comes from abhorring your own self image.

Saying you don't have the ability to change your own confidence is like saying you're a victim of this situation. Bullshit! You can change it all. But nobody, mark my words, NOBODY ever said it was easy. Put your guts, passion, creativity, and soul into it and I promise you'll prevail.

110 percent, nothing less!!


Well-known member
forget it, she never liked me. I was misinterpreting everything. She's with some other guy. Just forget this thread.


Well-known member
Maybe you should try again... only one more time.

About the SA episode just say you got too nervous that time and let her judge, say that you really liked her and that you would like to go out with her. You don't need to explain too much what happened, just say that.

The worst thing that might happen is she mantaining her opinion, but if you say that at least she will know you were not being an ***hole.