Dealing with Merchants


Well-known member
I recently bought a blueray player and dicided to start getting rid of my old standard dvd by trying to sell them to places that deal with used DVDs. I was not expecting much but assumed they would give me something like half price of market value. Those son of B***hes gave me like 1%.

What this blog is about is how I kept my mouth shut and just accepted the deal. I am so embarassed to write this but I was even too intimadated to go over the recipt in the store.

I waited until i got to my car and then sat there re checking the recipt. To add insult to injury I shop at that business often. Laughing at the good deals I get. Didnt realize what they were doing to people who bring in old used DVDs. Paying them next to nothing and then turning around and selling them for top dollars. I would of been better off throwing my DVDs in the trash when you factor in my fuel cost.

I am just so fustrated. All the studying about anxiety and solutions to use just vaporized in seconds. Every time its the same dam thing it seems. All the preparations gets forgotton in milli seconds when you are out in the real world.


Dont be too harsh on yourself theres a quote i like which says "The best made battle plans go wrong on contact with the enemy" or somthing like that,i hope you get the drift.

Your best bet is to cut the middle man out in the future,place an ad in the local paper or on a site like amazon.Merchants have to make a profit and they often do it at the expense of us.Or next time go with a price in your head which is realistic and decline politley if he/she doesnt try and meet you half way.