Dating questions


Well-known member
Quick question...just wondering.

How many of you would ask out a girl/guy who wore leg braces?


What if you didn't know she/he had leg braces, then you found out? If you had originally thought she/he was cute, would that change your opinion?

Just wondering, any responses are appreciated.



Well-known member
Well, if I were actually brave enough one day to speak to a girl I like... I dont think it would bother me. To be honest, I think I might feel more able to be myself around them, because I would think maybe they have their insecurities too - which makes me more at ease with my own! Hopefully thats not a horrible thing for me to feel.

A year or so ago I was walking into a shop and there was a very attractive girl in a wheelchair outside. I dont know the reason for the wheelchair, but it certainly didnt make me less interested in her. In fact, there may have been a "moment" when our eyes met for a few seconds... (which was great because usually I avoid eye contact!)


Well-known member
For this response we'll pretend that I actually had the balls to ask out a girl to whom I was attracted. After all, it wouldn't be much fun to give a painfully honest "No, I don't ask any girls out."

If I was interested enough to ask a girl out it wouldn't matter if she had leg braces. At least that's a perceived drawback that wouldn't be a deal breaker in and of itself. It's better than thinking she's normal only to discover later on that she has a problem with drugs, or goes into debt buying useless crap, etc. Plus, I wouldn't worry that she'd want me to take her out dancing, which I'm terrible at. Nor would I have to worry about her wanting me to go out jogging, rock climbing, or a slew of other more rugged and manly activities. We could both be happy just sitting around and talking. Or floating around in a pool. :)

And if I didn't know she had leg braces and found out later (maybe we first met online) I'd be a little disappointed. But only because she obviously thought that I'd ditch her if I knew ahead of time. I'd still think she was cute, and I'd probably become a bit more protective of her.

Of course, if she had computerized hydraulic leg braces I'd probably be a bit jealous....:D

So I'd ask you out whether you had leg braces or not. Or maybe that should say that I wouldn't ask you out whether you had leg braces or not. A cute girl is a cute girl. ;)