

Well-known member all of you.

So you have a sense that:

* something is wrong,
* you envy others ,
* experience loneliness,
* low self esteem,
and perhaps
* depression.

Do you want to talk about this for the rest of your life...and never change?


Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

And are now ready to take charge and make take responsibility for your feelings, thoughts and behaviours .


Well-known member
sorry to post an angry reply to this, i'm sure you are probs social phobic aswell but...

'take responsibility'?! what the heck does that mean? we have been suffering with these feelings and thoughts for years and years.

the thing is, if its alcoholism, or whatever, the answer is simple...don't drink. It is hard but there is a solution. Don't drink and you will be happy!

Sociophobics...there is no simple solution like forcing yourself to 'face your fear' and socialise...cos the fear/negative self-assessment does not go away it just goes round and you either isolate yourself and feel safe but lonely, or put yourself through hell just so your social needs as a human are semi-satisfied, but never actually enjoy most of it.

Other syndromes are not easy...say anorexia for example, can't think of a better one...but say a person resigns themself to anorexia and life-long suffering, ATLEAST they have people, their family, their friends, to support and provide comfort, and good phobics do not even have this by nature of the syndrome.

This is what i find so frustrating about sociophobia. I am sick and tired of being lonely and isolated, but i am also sick and tired of feeling which do you choose? Fear is always the strongest emotion short-term, so you choose locking yourself away. You can't blame people for doing that. At all. Social phobics are probably the bravest people on the planet. They have dealt with so much fear in their lives.