can anyone answer me this?


Active member
why is it that when things seem to be going okay someone has to come along and pull the rug from underneath you?

I found out today that the man i've hated for so long lied to me just so he could hurt me, i've hated him for so long now it doesn't bother me anymore, but to find out that i've hated him for the wrong reasons? (where does that leave me???)

i have also been told i guess a few home truths about myslef, some i knew but you know its takes someone telling you that, thats the case to make you realise what you thought was true all along!

and with this in mind to find that the people you don't want to know you seem to know you better than you thought!! arrgghhh!!

sorry for the rant but i gotta say something, its driving me nuts!!


Well-known member
i'm lost :?. this is like one of those confusing stories pple tell but dont want to go into detail because it may be personal and hope pple will understand lol. sorry...not trying to make fun of you :). if you want'll have to take a chance and go into detail ;) cuz i'm stupid.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm dumb too when it comes to beating around the bush! Seriously, nobody can help you if you hint around! And don't worry - nobody here will judge you one little bit... if they do, I'll kick their ass for ya ;)


Active member
Sorry about my litlle rant, i'd had a few drinks and stuff jusy bumbled out my mouth.
wht i meant was that for a bit now it seems that i was doing okay within myself, when me and my boyfiend split up. (which seems to have been the start of it), i got in touch with an old friend and he told me some things about myself (and poss why my relationships end) some of what he told me about myself was stuff that i knew anyway but when someone says it to you it seems to hit home abit more. Then....
Me and my ex were talking (he the one that i've hated for so long, but he's my kids dad) and it turns out that when me and him split up he told me a load of lies (the reason why i hated him). He told me that he had been sleeping around with pretty much anyone and of course that broke us up.he has now told me that the reason why he said those things was just to get at me and hurt me at the time because he was pretty messed up in himself. But we got all that sorted out and now i'm not sure how i should feel, i've known him half of my life and he's probably the last person on this earth that i want to talk to when things go wrong, butu it seems that he is the only person that can read me like a book, (and vice versa).
it just screwed around with my head a bit and as i said it all just came bumbling out. (hope that helps)