Break up :( need support


Well-known member
I recently just ended a relationship of 2 years and 3 months.. i need support.... i feel so lost and alone.... :'(


Well-known member
I'm sorry about that::(:. But, you've done nothing wrong. You were with them for a while, so, naturally, breaking up with them is going to be tough on you. Spend tonight indulging yourself and doing what makes you happy. Things will get better with time. Good luck and I hope that you feel better.


Well-known member
Hi tiny, i dont know what to say as ive never experienced such a long relationship, but you're going to be alright.. Hope you feel better soon


Well-known member
Oh Noo.. I'm sorry :( *HUG* that's a really long time. I'm sure you'll find the right one someday. Buy a new pet? I know you can't replace someone with a pet but when a relationship ended for me, I got a bird and it really helped.


Well-known member
These things happen. You're going through the roughest part of the break-up right now. Over time the feelings you're having will fade until he becomes a memory and nothing more. Stay strong.


Well-known member
Do what helps you feel a bit better.
Take it day by day.
I won't go on with the advice, since I've heard it a million times myself and it gets old real fast-- but, just hang in there.

You can talk about it more if you'd like?
The forum is always here.


Well-known member
I recently just ended a relationship of 2 years and 3 months.. i need support.... i feel so lost and alone.... :'(

There's nothing that you can do to feel better. Only time will erase the sadness. What you can do is numb the sadness a little by keeping your mind occupied. Try to be productive, do something new. It helped me in the past. If you ended the relationship, then you should also be proud of yourself.