Blocked out of Chat?


Well-known member
It seems I can't connect to Chat either via the Java Client, Mirc or Pidgin. The reason is I am blocked due to one of my ISP's netblock has been listed on a SORBS DNS blacklist.

The reason is:
"[MU] Dynamic/Generic IP/rDNS address, use your ISPs mail server or get rDNS set to indicate static assignment."

Translated it means:
Large chunks of my ISP users' internet addresses are considered dynamic (ie changes regularly, or every time you connect). This is the case from pretty much most home users (dialup or (A)DSL/Cable).

I don't know why the Chat Server is disallowing connections for dynamic addresses, which is the majority of home users.

Does anybody know a work around? or have they e-mailed the support address?



Well-known member
Oh good.. its not just me then. I tried e-mailing the address that it lists.. but the mail is rejected! I think their anti-spam software is misconfigured.

As for control of IRC. if they want it they can disable it.

@Toad: Good idea. I will try the proxy option when I get a chance.



Hi all,

So in Noddy language how do I get to use the chat room as I seem to have trouble too? I kind of does nothing.