being single forever sucks


Well-known member
Guys have this weird notion that girls will dare to approach them-??

Guys, it's your job to approach the girls!!
Honestly I've seen nothing-special dudes with really lovely women or girls, so...?

It may indeed depend on the attitude, slightly cocky/funny can be fun, it really depends on the person if they can pull it off!!

There are lots of tips on how to approach women online and in books etc.
You can still be respectful and have a sense of humor.

And I've seen so many cute guys here on SPW it really amazes me!!

WHY are us males obligated to approach females? We're all human, this is no excuse.

Do you understand how ****ing IMPOSSIBLE it is for so many men on this forum to approach a girl?
welcome to the 21st century's double standards and hypocrisy, women want all the right they're entitled to but they don't give up the privileges they have had back from when they were not emancipated.

It's much easier for them like this, we have a saying here "all a woman has to do is spread the legs and men will come" hahah :p if a man does that he'll be sued


Well-known member
I do not approach women, it is a tiresome 'job' I have long since retired from. I still get accused of hitting on women because of my anxiety. I want nothing to do with this sordid dating crap.
You're all the way up there, we're that person wearing what looks to be a red hat. Mount Rejection, we're going to need more than our nice red hat.

I return to my tea. Which is empty now.

Nah... all you ever really need is that nice red hat. ::p:


Active member
I have this poem here I like it very much:

Autumn day

Lord: it is time. The huge summer has gone by.
Now overlap the sundials with your shadows,
and on the meadows let the wind go free.

Command the fruits to swell on tree and vine;
grant them a few more warm transparent days,
urge them on to fulfillment then, and press
the final sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now, will never have one.
Whoever is alone will stay alone,
will sit, read, write long letters through the evening,
and wander along the boulevards, up and down,
restlessly, while the dry leaves are blowing.

- Rainer Maria Rilke


Well-known member
lol only saw replies now... It's not so bad, guys, is it?

I just wanted to encourage SocialM to approach girls and not expect to be approached??

For men it's all about the thrill of the hunt, and finally conquering. Always has been.
I think that is true for many men, perhaps not all? (maybe some of the nice guys are different? not sure..)

I know of instances where a girl approached first, and it usually didn't work so well.. sometimes there was a relationship for some time, or even long-term.. I think that guys treat women better though if they have to make some effort...

my mom sort of 'took charge'/showed interest and affection early on when they met with my dad, and they quarrel a lot of the time... so I don't think that's a happy relationship to look at as example..

Does anyone know of a good relationship that started with a girl being proactive first?
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Well-known member
A lot of women would also feel uncomfortable (I can understand why) if a random guy hit on them at the mall or at the street. Pick-up artists are (for the most part) not womanizers, but salesmen. Some of the stuff (eg. cocky-funny) works, but most of it just makes use of the placebo effect.
Well, it really depends how it's done.. I hate malls with a vengeance and have never been picked up there, or in a street (as far as I know of, edit: okay, maybe I got approached in the street, I didn't take it as 'being picked up' though, just people started talking etc.) some of the stuff from the books sort of works though (I looked back with retrospect at how some men behaved, the situations were elsewhere though, at parties or at the dorm or at friend's places or such..)

I agree that often many guys and girls just need some confidence, and some books on dating can help with that, yeah..

Furthermore, I don't know many ugly men with hot girlfriends.
I don't know many but I know a few.. In some cases also the guy aged really well (unlike some previously 'hot' people..)
I read that it's usually better if people are similarly good-looking though.. (?)
It also depends on your definition of 'hot'... (and 'ugly'..) we are all different, and some question the whole concept of 'hot' or 'ugly' as people can be different things to each other.. what/who is attractive for someone, can be totally not for someone else, and vice versa..

Both genders are genetically engineered to take looks into consideration, even though a lot of high school girls will go after the "cool" guy even if he's ugly.
Of course looks are important too.. sometimes you can tell stuff about a person from how they look as well..
not sure what you mean with '"cool" guy even if he's ugly' (again see comments on 'ugly' above though...) For women, other things like confidence or sense of humor, intelligence etc can be extremely attractive too.. And things like being caring, understanding etc are important too.. maybe some women develop appreciation for these things later on in life too..
Yeah, even 'hot girls' tastes change from high school on...

Sial, who only wants to be something to climb?? ::(:
What about getting to know each other etc??

Coyote :D, I'm not half your age!!
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Sial (aa, that's me) , who only wants to be something to climb?? ::(:
-->What about getting to know each other etc?? <--

Honestly don't remember what was.

I did post. And I cannot find anything wrong with what you say. I will stand corrected.

And, no, I did not answer your questions. I have none at the moment.