basic flirtation anyone?


Well-known member
How do you flirt, basic enough. I want to cover everything in this thread. Im lost when it comes to women. help me out, schools coming up and im feeling brave.


Well-known member
acknowledge her, say hi, make your presence know (but don't be invasive). smile, be sweet, compliment her, open the door for her, make jokes to try to make her laugh.


Well-known member
Bust on her a little bit, playfully. It's this type of teasing that should get her giggling (if she's a bitch dont worry about it, just move on).
Also, don't hang around too long. If the mood is good and you got her smiling, excuse yourself. It's always best to end the convo on a high point so that next time you talk to her she'll feel generally more comfortable about you.
Also, don't hang around too long. If the mood is good and you got her smiling, excuse yourself. It's always best to end the convo on a high point so that next time you talk to her she'll feel generally more comfortable about you.

Nicely done playa ;)

All good things being said here. Good topic.
Just don't stray too far away from who you really are. We all flub some and put on the sweets when flirting. Just mean what you say and don't lie (too much).
You could try ''How you doin'?'' :B

Nah, just kidding. People will probably take offense when you say something sleazy like that. x3


Well-known member
I find flirting to be silly banter, i know that when i flirt i'm very sarcastic and a bit of a wind up lol i'm also quite touchy feely but in a playful fighting way.
With flirting i prefer to have a laugh rather than the whole compliments thing, i think too many compliments when flirting is a bit naff, especially when your just getting to know someone.


Well-known member
All these ideas are generally impossible for someone like me.

I guess I'm screwed.

Find someone online, it's easier to get to know someone that way. Or find someone outside doing the same hobby you like doing. I typically don't think it's a great idea to talk to people at school. I've never found someone I clicked with because of common classes....


Well-known member
U know nowadays girls make it difficult and they usually like to go for the strong males that have all their needs even if they're *******s.. Rarely somebody lets go the ego and wants to enjoy life without demanding too much out of it..


Well-known member
like someone already said, making eye contact and smiling is just the classic best way to show general interest... i'm always down for some across the room eye contact and smiles, haha! no, not a :D teeth smile, not a :) smile.. just kind of a flirty smirk, it's hard to explain, lol.. anyway, just being nice and easy going is a good way to go when talking to a girl, you seem comfortable that way and yeah, making light jokes or cracks is good to make her smile... ay yi yi, i don't know, i'm a girl, it's easier for me ::eek:: i just do the smirk think and wait for the guy to do something, sorrryyyy!!! lol


Well-known member
I think what would be good to know, ladies, is what signals do you give that indicate that you are open to be flirted with?

How do we guys know the ball is in our court so we have a chance to return it before it smacks us in the nuts?

Honestly, we just don't know.


I was at a friend's house the other day, her hot straight cousin was there and we were jokingly flirting all day. When he left he let me give him a goodbye kiss :)


Well-known member
I think what would be good to know, ladies, is what signals do you give that indicate that you are open to be flirted with?

How do we guys know the ball is in our court so we have a chance to return it before it smacks us in the nuts?

Honestly, we just don't know.

it's the flirty eye and smirk, coyote! all about the eye and smirk! haha


Well-known member
"Men can't go backwards sexually, women can't go backwards in lifestyle" - Chris Rock.

I just can't talk to women, they really freak me out and make me feel uncomfortable.


Well-known member
smiling and laughing at jokes that aren't that funny also taking interest in every single topic you say means she likes you xD


Well-known member
I don't think I've ever flirted with anyone. If I did I had no idea I was doing it. That's probably the best way to do it anyway. Don't adhere to some script or anything like that. Be yourself and see what happens.