Bad Memory???


Well-known member
Has anyone else in here got a bad memory??? I often forget films Ive watched, conversations Ive had, Things Ive made a point of trying to remember???? Is this a symptom of SP???


Well-known member
Yeah I do aswell, yet another thing to feel down about, do you sufferfrom any other illnesses redlady?


I have bad problems with my memory aswell.I did read somewhere that anxiety can affect memory sometimes as... um say for example your neighbour knocks on and ask's you to call round at a certain time, some people (this defo applies to me, lol) concentrate on there feelings/anxiety to the extent that your not really listening to what's being said to you.

Sorry ill try and find the site i got the info off, it will explain it better than i can.


Well-known member
Hi Danfalc,

Yeah I am aware of that, I experience that all of the time, when your speaking to someone and feeling anxious all you can think about is how your feeling and if they are thinking are you mad/stupid (asking themselves why are they blushing) etc etc... so you blank out and havnt heard a word they have said. I am talking more than that though, a genuinally worrying bad memory, forgeting things wjhen your not anxious..... Like when in the shower "Have I shampooed my hair"?


Well-known member
I think I have ADD (waiting to see a specialist) I'm just wondering if that has anything to do with it


Well-known member
I am exactely the same as you, I find it so frustrating, dont you think that may be your problem?? Attention Deficit Disorder?? Does your mind constantely wonder off during a conversation??


Well-known member
redlady said:
Perhaps i am being very ignorant here but i thought ADD produced hyperactivity in people - if that's the case then i am not ADD. But my mind does wonder off not only during conversations but pretty much all the time. I have a very hard time keeping my mind focused on just one thing. Perhaps it is what i am suffering from. I'll have to read up on it a bit i think.

If you read up on ADHD you will find that Boys suffer from the Hyperactivity and Girls suffer from Inatentiveness, I am female and know i have ADD & have no hyperactivity, I would suggest you have a look at the websites. would love to find some one the same as me, not cursing you or anything redlady

google search...


Well-known member
Hey Redlady,

My theory is ADHD is caused by an umbalancement of chemicals in the brain, which also can be the cause of Social Phobia, so I am hoping the drugs I will recieve for ADHD might cure my Social Phobia!?! What do you think!?! ........ I'm probably being nieve arnt I!!


Danfalc said:
I have bad problems with my memory aswell.I did read somewhere that anxiety can affect memory sometimes as... um say for example your neighbour knocks on and ask's you to call round at a certain time, some people (this defo applies to me, lol) concentrate on there feelings/anxiety to the extent that your not really listening to what's being said to you.

I definately get this and have often wondered if it is related to SP/anxiety.

What I do know is that anxiety affects your concentration in such a way that it can be difficult to remember what you have done afterwards.

For example, you're sitting watching a movie, you may not necesarilly feel anxious as such, but you still have thoughts whizzing around your head (something that's often triggered by anxiety) and all of a sudden you realise you haven't even been watching the last ten minutes of the movie. The whole time you've been thinking of something else, and what's more, you may not even notice you're doing this. I do this all the time.



Well-known member
My memory is pretty bad,landed me in trouble a few times when i've just totaly forgot appointments or things like that :x


Well-known member
my memory is bad...
I think its linked to concentration..Often I miss something because I can't concentrate as I'm anxious.
The more you have to concentrate on things, I think the better your memory gets. In my final degree year, I had to focus on so many things that I seemed to remember everything else too...that I'd normally forget.
Spending a lot of time by myself makes me kind of distant and dreamy, because I don't have to focus or concentrate or 'think on my feet'