Baby Steps


Well-known member
In the past year or so, I've had to answer some phones. It used to be a big problem for me and I dreaded it. When I was given the student aide class at my school in the beginning of the school year, I was put in the main office. I was told that if one of the secretaries was away or busy, I would have to answer phones. This almost scared me off and made me want to switch into portfolio (the class that I had originally signed up for), but then my mom convinced me otherwise. If I'm given the opportunity to better myself, why not take those chances? When I thought logically about it, I would only be on the phone with the parents or teachers for a little while and it's not like they'd really be judging me for all that long because they didn't know who I was and I would never speak to them again.

There's a similar thing going on right now. I've been part time working/interning at the office my mom is Senior VP of. The office doesn't always have work for me to do, but the DM's at the office remembered that there were callbacks to do (the office is the corporate headquarters of a market research company). I would be required to call back respondents and ask them about the interview they completed and if any information has changed, etc. I was hesitant to take the job because it wasn't required for me to do so, but it was money in my bank account that I needed for gas and car insurance. So I said I would do it and now I'm thinking that maybe it won't be all that bad. I'll have a script to read from and all I have to do is mark down the respondents answers. Plus, it will help me out with my phone problems (which I really think I'm getting better with). I'll be able to keep the money coming to continue driving my car to/from school and work or wherever else I need to go. It will also be an ongoing job since there are always respondents for different "jobs" that need to be called.

I start tomorrow and I'm thinking this is a good step towards overcoming my fear of phones and maybe just a baby step towards overcoming my SA as well.

Is there anything anyone else is doing/has done to overcome their SA as well?

(and this was kind of a lot longer than I expected, hope no one minds ::eek::)