

Does anyone else hate this word as much as me? Whenever I hear this word, I can't help thinking about myself and all the social moments in my life where I've completely and utterly bombed in a conversation. What do you guys think when you hear this word?


Well-known member
I'm imagining strained silence, people staring....and Frank Spencer...I hate that word :(
it's funny after years and years of "awkward" silences I've just learned to be comfortable with silence. It's not awkward for me anymore


Well-known member
Yeah I don't like the word either. Lots of words tend to bring up things like that for me and no matter how hard I try, it's always there. It's a constant struggle because it tears down the self-confidence I try to build up and I find myself back to square one. I just try to make the best use out of my awkwardness in the hopes that maybe someone will understand that and possibly help me cope with it.


Well-known member
haha Frank Spencer,
yeah i think of myself, awkward feeling in conversations, and me feeling that i come across awkward to some people. But yeah freestylemonster im the same with silence. I like silence sometimes. The only thing that bothers me about it in conversations is that it makes me feel like the other person is judging me as being really boring. But oh well. Theres no point in desperatley trying to rack your brain for somethething to say.