Anyone with ADHD/ADD and now anxiety?


I've never been officially diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, as I don't really want to go see my doctors or anything ::(: never have liked doctors appointments, but I would say I most likely do have it. And people I know agree.

But basically now I have an anxiety disorder, and my friend thinks the ADD sort of caused it?? So I was wondering if there was anyone with ADHD/ADD before they developed anxiety? Like do you think it can cause anxiety?


I have ADHD. Always have, been re diagnosed many times. The thing I've found, and learnt, is that ADHD very rarely exists on its own. My co-existing disorders are depression and anxiety. I used to be a very very outgoing person, even up to as close a just a couple of years ago, but certain situations always gave me anxiety, and social anxiety, and that all suddenly escalated for no real reason at all to the point of not being able to leave the house some days because I can't deal with social interaction. So while you might have ADHD, it won't be the 'cause' for your anxiety, but it will possibly be a co-existing disorder alongside your ADHD.
I'm not sure if I have ADD but I wouldn't be surprised if I did, I sure have a knack for losing and forgetting just about everything, and paying attention in class is often a struggle. Doesn't cause me too many problems though, so I don't care much about getting an official diagnosis or getting medicated.

I'd had both ADHD and Anxiety all my life. I can trace back the anxiety longer, since I'm pretty sure I was born with it and use to be selectively mute as child. However, I've also always been the most clueless and inattentive person ever, so I might have had the ADD just as long. Like sazz said, a lot of those disorders are co morbid with each other. They have some of the same symptoms as well. It's not uncommon to have both, or even others along with it. If it doesn't cause you a lot of problems maybe you shouldn't seek a diagnosis and medications for it. I've been taking ADD meds for so long and am trying to slowly taper off them. I don't want to be dependent on them to fuction and feel "normal" for all my life.