Anyone here married?


Well-known member
Just curious, is anyone married? If so, how the heck did you do it? I mean, the whole living with someone? I don't think I would ever be able to move in with someone that I loved, I would be too nervous that I would mess up. There's soooo many things that could go wrong. I mean how do you get to the point that you're comfortable with your spouse? Just wondering....
I'm divorced- and to be honest I'm not entirely sure how I did it. I think I just got comfortable enough with him that it was like being around "family," plus I was severely depressed at the time I got married, so I don't think I gave much of a care to what he thought about my personal habits, lack of domestication (I can't cook and barely know how to clean lol), etc.
Right now, I think I would feel pretty awkward trying to live with someone else. I don't think I would like the feeling of being self-conscious in my own home- of course I think I would get over it pretty quickly once I got used to him.
No, my problem with that is more that, I would have to stand and talk "I take you...." in front of people. This is on my mind a lot, I worry how will I ever do this, will I ever get married. Living with someone else is fun for me


Well-known member
It's not as hard as you might think looking at it from the outside in. It's not really that hard once you really get to know someone and the barriers are broken and you have honest communication. If I could end up doing it, I know anyone here can. The wedding itself on the other hand is not so easy. But there are ways around that too though.


Well-known member
I am planning on it...we have talked about it and probably will be in the next year or so. How the heck did I do it? I stopped trying and caring so much about the outcome of different situations, including dating.

I just said "screw it, I'll just try this and see what happens." I knew at the time that I was attractive and that I would find someone along the way, and even though she came in an unexpected manner, she did come my way nonetheless.

As far as other posts regarding the permanency of the whole process is concerned, it's really not that scary. My girlfriend and I are different in many ways, and it is going to take some compromise so that we can live together without wanting to kill one another (this is a part of every relationship, I think).

While movies portray marriage as easy and something that comes to one without thinking, the fact is that relationships and marriage are all hard work. But, the work is worth it, especiallly if you have the right person to work with!


Well-known member
I don't see myself being able to stand up in front of all those people at the wedding, and then read my vows and stuff.


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to it.

Though I do not have an overally large amount of hope for myself in certain social situations, i'm freaking young and stuff can change real fast, heh to be said mildly.


Well-known member
Have you ever heard of a 2 bedroom / 2 bath apartment? ;)

Are you and your wife not weirded out about being married and having separate bedrooms?

I like the idea, I'm just not sure how I should suggest it without sounding like I want to live together only half-heartedly.


Well-known member
Are you and your wife not weirded out about being married and having separate bedrooms?

I like the idea, I'm just not sure how I should suggest it without sounding like I want to live together only half-heartedly.

Yeah that's how I feel about that too. I would love to have separate bedrooms, but I feel like most people would be slightly offended by that. Then again, I suppose if you're with someone who loves you they would understand?


Well-known member
Are you and your wife not weirded out about being married and having separate bedrooms?

I like the idea, I'm just not sure how I should suggest it without sounding like I want to live together only half-heartedly.
Yes, I agree. If you married me, we could do that (you are female I believe) :)

I so wish I met a freak like myself, I would definitely marry her, lol.


Well-known member
Wow, I didn't know there were other people who don't like sharing their bedroom with another person. Sleeping together in one bed sounds very strange to me, it's just impossible in my case. I need my space and solitude.
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Well-known member
Nope - have always previously thought of myself as a loner....and someone who would most likely end up viewed as that 'crazy old lady who has lots of pets and doesn't emerge from her house often...but even then, only to scare the little ones". lol

The whole wedding / reception idea is frightening of course (especially as nearly every wedding we see or hear about it a huge affair, and people invite loads of people - even those they haven't been in contact with for ages - how pretentious, and most likely just to fill seats :p), but if you get married to someone who knows, loves and accepts you 100% as you are, you could both always elope I guess, or have your wedding at the registry office or a small beach ceremony :)

I think I would like to be married one day though - if I met the right person



Well-known member
Wow, I didn't know there were other people who don't like sharing their bedroom with another person. Sleeping together in one bed sounds very strange to me, it's just impossible in my case. I need my space and solitude.

Yes I couldn't imagine sharing a room with someone for the rest of my life, let alone a bed. I mean, I like the idea of sleeping in the same bed occasionally but I couldn't do it forever.


Two bedrooms and two baths works out great. I snore and grind my teeth, plus sometimes I wake at 4:30am and can't get back to sleep. She can sleep in, stay up late, surf on her netbook, etc. I sometimes fall asleep in her bed, then I'll wake in the middle of the night and sneak off to my bed. Also I usually use talk radio or classical music to crash.

Most of the time we're both in the computer room, which has 2 computer desks, 2 telephones, 4 PC's, 2 printers, etc. Or we'll watch movies and play ps3 in the living room.
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