Am I selfish? Or am I a doormat? (long post)


Well-known member
Sorry, this might be too long but here is my situation.
Recently, for the past month or so, i've been allowing a family member (brother) to stay at my place, because he doesn't yet have a place of his own. He only comes for the weekends and he's here all the time. I'm getting tired of it though, because I'm used to having my own space and he is very irritating and hyper all of the time, he makes a mess and he hogs the tv or computer until I have to eventually get fed up and speak up and tell him I want the tv for a bit. He's not mean to me in any way but it seems like he pretends like he owns the place and does whatever he pleases, smokes cigarettes all the time (im a non smoker), he yells out my window at people and he's just very loud in general, and it's like I have to keep telling him to stop doing annoying shit all the time, till I sound like a nagging mother.
I never really had a good relationship with him growing up in that he was never around, then when he did come around i was about 18 and he would steal from me all the time to support his addictions. He doesn't do that crap anymore thank god but he's still very jealous of me I think and just seems to act phony towards me, like he talks to me like a kid and just comes up with these sugar-coated compliments out of nowhere. It just all feels so very put on. When I do speak up and explain that it's not going to work and that he should stay with my mom he just sort of laughs at me and says "Ok...but can I stay just one more day?" then he'll be super nice for that one day, and then i'll break and be like "Well if you want you can come hang out next weekend too." and then it's back to being irritating. Anyways..... the only other place he has to go is my mom's place (which is where he was originally supposed to stay) but because she hasn't got cable and her place is much smaller than mine I thought it would be ok for him to stay with me.. i mean what a few days a week right? But I feel like I'm trapped I need my space and i'm getting angrier and angrier every day and feel like I'm going to explode. I feel like my mom has placed this burden on me and i've discussed it with her and she agreed that he should just stay with her from now on.... yet he still comes here every weekend, and now she's not even around so I can't even ask her wtf is going on.
I'm afraid to just speak up and say he's not welcome here anymore.
How can I tell that to a family member and not feel like crap?
At the same time, why does he continue to do this if he knows it's bothering me?
Any honest advice would help a lot..
Am I being a self-centered prick by asking him to leave and stay with my mom even though it won't be as comfortable for him, or am I being a push-over by constantly agreeing to let him stay?


it does sound like he's taking the piss abit yeh, but i dont think he means it in a horrible way, he just sounds like a happy go lucky kinda person. probs best thing to do is wait until he really winds u up. like let i build up for abit, and then just go mental and tell him to get out and go to ya mums (make sure he does something though that gives u reason to say it, not just outa no where lol) he will either just do it, or he will realise he bein a knob and back off abit and apologise. if his personality is quite out spoken and dramatic, then he will probs respond best to a outspoken dramatic comment.

hope that helped mate xx


Well-known member
Of course you are not being self centered... that kind of thing does not happen only to you.

Like you said those kind of people are still irritating even when they know it irritates you. Why he can't stop if he knows it bothers you ? He is not respecting you and you should not let someone who does not respect you in your house.

It doesn't matter if people will look bad onto you because you did that. You are doing that because you respect yourself not because you are self centered... and respecting oneself is essential for leading with SA