Afraid of getting pregnant from using the bathroom?


New member
Since the beginning of eighth grade, I started to get paranoid about getting pregnant from using the toilet. Now, I share a bathroom with my dad and grandpa and my fear isn't getting any better. I'm always afraid that there might be traces of semen on the toilet paper or on the toilet and that it might get into my private zone. I'm also scared that somehow the semen might get on to my hands and when I wipe or something it could get in there. Right now I really need some console! I know that I have OCD but is hard for me to block this fear from my head. Btw has this fear ever occurred to you?


Well-known member
human sperm cells have a very narrow range of environmental conditions in which they can survive

it is next to impossible to find a single living sperm cell in trace amounts of semen you might encounter on a surface that has been exposed to the atmosphere

then it would have to find it's way deep into a specific spot inside your body

and you would have to be fertile

the chances are astronomically small that you could become pregnant in this fashion


Staff member
I know how you feel, I'm a handwasher and I know washing my hands so much does not make them any cleaner. Hard to conquer the irrational impulses sometimes. As coyote says, there's not even a million to one chance of getting pregnant off a toilet seat.
You should not have anything to fear from that, it is impossible to get pregnant in such way, even if there was semen on the toilet paper it's impossible for it to get it's way in.


Well-known member
I saw the title Afraid of getting pregnant from using the bathroom and I had to peek.
There is only one way to get pregnant from using the toilet, but it doesn't happen from traces of semen on the toilet paper or (traces of semen) on the toilet seat. I have heard it is the most popular way to join the Mile High Club.