A Toast to all the brave social phobics!


Well-known member
I would like to say to all of you how much I admire the ones that fight social phobia every day.

For months I'm forcing myself to do everything I can. I'm going to crowded shoppings, restaurants full of people and things like that.
I always return devastated home, It seem that a truck has passed above me, that's when depression stars to come in.

It's like a real Hell this kind of life, isn't it?
And it never stops.
Phone rings: Panic Attack! Neighbour knocking the door: Panic Attack! Time to go to work: Panic Attack! Time to wake up: Panic Attack!

Wow, I can't really believe that I'm still here, stronger than ever at 25 years old.
I've never felt relaxed for one single day for decades. And I really don't care anymore. I'm a social phobic that will go until the end, doesn't matter how bitter this end can be.

A toast for all the warriors here, I know how you guys feel.
And don't let depression hit you after the social event. Don't learn to be helpless! Feel devastated for some minutes and stand up again! Be stubborn.

If we can defeat this disorder, we can go very far in life. Don't give up!