A rhyme to pass the time


Well-known member
Yess.. This goes out for the miss to every match.
For the kiss that didn't catch, N for the chick that never hatched.
Yea, it goes out to every boy and every girl.
Everybody and anybody feeling the weight of the got damn world,
feeling stressed, anxious, retarded or got a disorder.
Anybody, that wanna, get started a new world order.
If you feel like a nobody thats been, or a somebody that aint
Tuck right in a try to imagine this picture I paint.

Its one of color ofcourse, and in a beautiful hue of blue.
Splashes of red and sorts, and into something you never knew.
You have to shade some black, then paint some white.
Because you can't have darkness if you dont have light.
Now my friend...
this picture probably means nothing to anyone
Because in the end,
They fail to see the layers upon layers used to get done.
Scratch the surface,
chip a piece,
Now its cureless
You've released the disease.


Active member
thats awesome man. i also right some rhymes every now and then but I've slowed as of late. is this just a free verse or did you have a song you wrote it to?


Well-known member
thanks for the feed back. Its just a freeverse, I make up songs with my guitar but they usually are only a few lines. This is old, I've slowed as well. But try to do it whenever my minds in the gutter....Serfina, did it make you feel good? If it did you shouldn't second guess yourself and just let it flow. It helps me sometimes.
Nice poem. And thanks for the compliment in my own thread. But I really think that nothing's truly cureless except death. Other than that, I liked it. 'The chick that didn't hatch' is kind of cute and sad at the same time.