A Great Excersise.


Well-known member
This only works for people who want to live btw, people who dont , dont do it, well i dunno might make u feel happy for abit i guess?

ok. so have any of you suddenly found yourself thinking about death accidently? like maybe thinking oh my, my grans old now i dont want her to die! then u think about what its like to die?

well if i do i get this wierd knott in my stomache, its unique and horrible...usualy makes me panic. but in the moment i also realise how much my life means to me! and im sure im not the only one! it always gives me a little bit more get go an all. like say if im doin something wrong in my life, i sorta think i dont wanna do that no more!! and i dont!!

i think this excersise might benefit some people. knowing we only have probs about 75 years on earth, is knowing we should do what we wanat, what makes us happy.

i dunno bout u but i never wanna look back and think i wasted it! its never too late to change this outcome. start today.

remember - we are all made out of the same thing, we all love, hate, get jealous etc and never forget that!!

hell. this weekend i went out, a guy im usualy abit funny around coz he's into some scenes which r abit secret if you get me. i thought fuck it..hes a human being too! i was just myself to him, and he wanted to take me for a drink in the end and was bein all cute with me! and this is some hench built bloke! lol

even the scariest looking people are good people!!


Well-known member
Didn't work for me, guess i don't really want to live then.
Actuely what are you trying to say? That people should start thinking more about being dead?


I already think about things like this quite a lot, and they only depress me and make life seem utterly pointless.


Well-known member
no i was saying to appreaciate the gift of life. when you die you have one option whoch is to be dead. when your alive the options are endless.


Well-known member
For me there is no such thing as wasting one's life, since I'm religious. I'm convinced that real life begins after death. Therefore it's futile to feel deeply sad about 'missed opportunities' in this fake (and temporary) world.


Did you want to say that as long as we live, we should live to the full and enjoy ourselves? And if we didn´t do it until now, is it wasted time? What do you mean with "wasted time"? There are people who regret not enjoying themselves, or others who regret not studying enough, others who regret not having been nicer to others etc. What does it mean for you?
As for enjoying ourselves, there is nothing wrong with that, with enjoying life, but it shouldn´t be on cost of others which is what most people do. They are stealing money or cheating their employees on wages etc, just to be able to have more fun in their lives, to be able to afford parties and luxury.
There are already so many "happy" people in the world, who are enjoying themselves, smiling and laughing all the time, but most of them seem to me somehow empty in spite of that, rather like brainwashed idiots than normal intelligent humans. Is this the happiness we should strive for?
"Good people" - how to determine if someone is good or bad? For me it´s people who are honest, fair and responsible, who do what they say etc. Not just somebody because he looks happy and knows how to talk nicely and smoothly, who can make himself attractive.. Or the fact that someone has been "cute" with you, it doesn´t mean anything yet and can be quite treacherous. All future tyrans can be cute at the beginning, so in my opinion this needs a deeper look.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
For me there is no such thing as wasting one's life, since I'm religious. I'm convinced that real life begins after death. Therefore it's futile to feel deeply sad about 'missed opportunities' in this fake (and temporary) world.

I'm religious as well... and ya I believe real life begins after death as well... but then why not just speed up the process and get to the good stuff?


Well-known member
man....lol talk about pissing on the bonfire??? is there anything some of you wont try and make depressing???
and looking way into the future like this person who was bein cute with me is gonna fuck me over at some point??? it was a moment...not a commitment lol ill see him out again soon, other than that its woteva like, i was just saying!
i agree, everyones happyness is different, work, family, friends, education, money etc. the hole point in the excersise is to realise whats important to you, not so we have huge fat grins on our faces and r life n souls of every party lol

finding whats important and stepping your game up abit...thats all.


Marie_knowsbest said:
man....lol talk about pissing on the bonfire??? is there anything some of you wont try and make depressing???

:lol: haha... For what its worth tho im glad there are some people on this site trying to say somthing posative.Most of them seem to get chased off with pitch forks after long tho :wink: or get frustrated with every sentance getting picked apart by microscopes.

(edit-wish i could pissin spell)


Marie_knowsbest said:
man....lol talk about pissing on the bonfire??? is there anything some of you wont try and make depressing???

lol i kno rite???!!? who wuld think an exercesise about death wood b depressin ??


Well-known member
I went to bed some time ago but i just couldn't stop thinking about Marie and the thoughts thats been haunting me for some time now, so im just gonna post it and deal with the payback later.

Her name is Marie_knowsbest and the name of the topic is A Great excersise.
The woman is clearly superior and arguing with her will achieve nothing. She's allready been banned several times but she's still here so she doesn't care what you think of her or her screwed up views. Actuely i even remember her saying something like 'Laughing at you guys is the daily highlight at the office' in one of her posts that was moved in the trash category. She brags about being a proffesional and that she wants to help but it sounds like she just wants to make as many people as possible here miserable and feel as bad as possible about themselves in the way she talks and treats people.

Now in MY "proffesional" opinion, she's just here becouse she likes making fun at people with mental issues, kinda like a kid pulling wings of flies, 90% of the people in the forum could hate her and the few 10% left that accepted her would be enough to make her feel like the queen of the forum. Id say the number are more like 95% though. She feeds on your hate (and now also mine) and grows stronger from it, like a leech.

Why are you still here? Don't even answer that just take a hint allready and dissapear.

I don't care if the rules are against talking badly against other users but marie is banned so technicly she's not even a user.
Gone said:
I went to bed some time ago but i just couldn't stop thinking about Marie and the thoughts thats been haunting me for some time now, so im just gonna post it and deal with the payback later.

Her name is Marie_knowsbest and the name of the topic is A Great excersise.
The woman is clearly superior and arguing with her will achieve nothing. She's allready been banned several times but she's still here so she doesn't care what you think of her or her screwed up views. Actuely i even remember her saying something like 'Laughing at you guys is the daily highlight at the office' in one of her posts that was moved in the trash category. She brags about being a proffesional and that she wants to help but it sounds like she just wants to make as many people as possible here miserable and feel as bad as possible about themselves in the way she talks and treats people.

Now in MY "proffesional" opinion, she's just here becouse she likes making fun at people with mental issues, kinda like a kid pulling wings of flies, 90% of the people in the forum could hate her and the few 10% left that accepted her would be enough to make her feel like the queen of the forum. Id say the number are more like 95% though. She feeds on your hate (and now also mine) and grows stronger from it, like a leech.

Why are you still here? Don't even answer that just take a hint allready and dissapear.

I don't care if the rules are against talking badly against other users but marie is banned so technicly she's not even a user.

I'm with you Gone.


My impression is, Marie suffers from some kind of character disorder. I cannot imagine her as a psychoterapist, as she would need quite a profound treatment herself. But its quite intricate, because she would never admit she needs it, she feels superior.

Edit: sorry Marie if I was too harsh to you, after all I don' t think you're that bad because you're trying to think at least and everyone has his faults and imperfections. Only sometimes you can piss off by the way you think you're the only right without need of improving.


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
I'm religious as well... and ya I believe real life begins after death as well... but then why not just speed up the process and get to the good stuff?
Speed up death?


Well-known member
a lot of buddhists think about death in the way i believe you are trying to get across.

they actually have what's called "death meditations" where they sit there and meditate (i.e. think about) the fact that life is impermanent and they are going to die one day.

a lot of people think that buddhists must be very depressed doing this, but they actually consider it a positive act. it reminds them that everything is impermanent (i.e. nothing is permanent) and that life is full of change and nothing lasts forever, which, if you read buddhist doctrine is kind of the whole point of buddhism, right? (i.e. we are all impermanent beings, life is suffering, everyone wants to be happy but is going about it the wrong way, etc.)


Active member
Danfalc said:
:lol: haha... For what its worth tho im glad there are some people on this site trying to say somthing posative.Most of them seem to get chased off with pitch forks after long tho :wink: or get frustrated with every sentance getting picked apart by microscopes.

Wow, TALK about microscopic sentence warfare up in here?! Sheez!

I agree also it is good someone is trying to spread positive thoughts here at SPW. However, most people who visit our site are chemically imbalanced to think that nothing in life has any color to it. I think we should all just sit down somewhere quiet and gobble more Cadbury chocolate.


---Oh and also reflect on the fact that, for some reason, squirrels who get smashed on the highway, for some reason, would rather continue collecting acorns for the winter. I wonder why they think that way?